Prayer In The Schools

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Prayer in the schools

In 1962, state-authored, mandatory prayer in public schools in New York State was ruled unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court. In 1963, voluntary prayer of any kind, as well as Bible reading, was also ruled unconstitutional by the same court. The 1963 decision applied to every school district in the nation. (Slade, 10)

The U.S. Supreme Court has replaced freedom of religion,” guaranteed by the Constitution, for freedom from religion. To ban school prayer diminishes the religious freedom of students who would like to pray and forces them to act according to the dictates of a non-religious minority.

The U.S. Supreme Court has misinterpreted the Establishment Clause of the Constitution. A simple and voluntary school prayer does not amount to the government establishing a religion, any more than do other practices common in the U.S. such as the employment of Congressional chaplains or government recognition of holidays with religious significance and National Days of Prayer. (Slade, 10)

School prayer would result in many societal benefits. The public school system is tragically disintegrating as evidenced by the rise in school shootings, increasing drug use, alcoholism, teen pregnancy, and HIV transmission. School prayer can help combat these issues, would instill a sense of morality and is desperately needed to protect our children.

School prayer would address the needs of the whole person. Schools must do more than train children's minds academically. They must also nurture their souls and reinforce the values taught at home and in the community. (Slade, 10)

School prayer would allow religious students an opportunity to observe their religious beliefs during the school day. The U.S. Supreme Court has urged school cooperation with religious authorities for “it then respects the religious nature of our people and accommodates the public service to their spiritual needs.”

Prayer in School - Prayer During Non-instructional ...
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