Prefabrication In Construction

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Prefabrication In Construction

Prefabrication In Construction


Although it is far time that the word "prefab" is associated with hasty construction, temporary and low quality are not yet sufficiently widespread in the community of designers and builders the advantages of prefabrication, persisting preconceptions no technical basis that hinder real progress in this industry in Spain is currently enjoying an extraordinary technical and development. Prefabrication today must be understood simply as the "industrialization of construction," that is, the application of production techniques in stationary high-performance, high standards and quality control, leading not only to better finishes but also at better prices, by economies of scale and use of media and specialized production techniques, the achievements that can be achieved in situ.

Although any type of building or construction can, in principle, prefabricated, in the most logical scope and competitive in this technique is in those buildings that require structures with lights, heights or heavy loads:

- Warehouses

- Multi-storey buildings intended for:

- Shopping and Leisure

- Offices

- Educational buildings (schools, universities, etc. ...)

- Museums and Exhibition Halls

- Parking

- Sports Center and arenas

- Buildings prison

- Core services in buildings, etc. ...

In general, this type of buildings is prefabricated linear elements: columns, beams, joists and belts, and surface: hollow core slabs, beams TT, prelates and facade elements. These can be supplemented with other components such as fiber cement or metal roofs, metal fences, concrete blocks or tiles (Harris & Buzzelli, 2005).

Knowledge Of Material

Definitions And Abbreviations

Concrete is a construction material "traditional" featuring many advantages of its theological properties and their fortunate symbiosis with steel, capable of providing strong and durable structures.

This material has been able to renew itself, leaving gray and expressionless appearance and entering a new dimension of textures, colors, finishes and shapes, providing the designer flexibility to perform the most daring architectural creations.

Moreover, the prefabrication allowed to modify the idea of monolithic and immobility of the concrete structures, to allow future extensions and modifications or even changes of location. These actions will be much easier the higher was his foresight in time, while epoxy resins and the plugs are valuable allies in the unions and extensions initially envisaged.

The opportunities presented by today this material have been known to be exploited and optimized for the prefabrication industry.


There are three essential components of concrete over reinforcement:


Since clinker, by joining various components, commercial cements are obtained:

- Portland Cement

- Cement pozzolanic

- Blast furnace cement (cement steel)

- Cement hydraulic

- Cement aluminous

- White Cement

- Cement ferrous

- Ferrous pozzolanic cement


Properties of aggregates:

- Must not absorb water

- Long life without degradation

- Frost resistance

- Hardness and mechanical strength greater than or equal to that of concrete calculations

- Cleaning

Types of aggregates:

- Aggregates round

- Aggregates crushed

- Aggregates wet


The water used in mixing concrete should be sufficiently pure and not have significant amounts of pollutants such as ...
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