Premarital Counseling

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Premarital Counseling

Premarital Counseling


Premarital counseling also serves as an opportunity for couples to learn about common problems that have led to married couples to break and gain knowledge of them as part of their preparation for marriage. These areas include the distribution of housework, sex, financial problems, and relationships in the law, career pressures, parenting and personnel matters. These areas can talk in depth between the counselor and the prospective partner, and the couple can make plans for how to deal with similar situations in the future. Speaking of these areas in depth, you get a better understanding of each other and yourself. Participate in counseling before marriage can help you build a satisfying relationship healthy and much better prepared to tackle any problem (Wright, 1992). There are plenty of therapists to choose from that offer marriage counseling to help restore their marriage to an excellent start.

Description of the Tools

It is estimated that about 25% of the counselors do not use any tools in premarital counseling. However, the remaining 75% use several tools out of which most common are the prepare Enrich and Myers Briggs Tyoe indicator, other commonly used assessment tool include the Taylor Johnson Temperament Analysis, FOCUS, and premarital awareness inventory. In today's culture, the number of couples end up divorced or separated because marriage is not what he hoped and dreamed for is very high. Many marriages do not attend any premarital counseling as part of their preparation for marriage. Pre-marriage counseling allows the couple to the future to examine the important areas of life before marriage (Wright, 1992). That gives them the opportunity to discover their differences constructively, open to them and to understand whether they are prepared for marriage or not. Some couples have found through their counseling sessions are not ready for marriage, however, and have decided to delay it. Premarital counseling process does not follow a specific standard. Prospective members can attend a class where a counselor is speaking in front of several couples who aspire to, or can find a psychologist and get face sessions (45 minutes to 1 hour per session). In preparing for marriage, the guide will focus on important areas of life that is essential to discuss and plan the future of marriage so you can build a society that is full of understanding and love. Counseling helps the couple to examine their own goals and also the differences between them. Many marriages fail because the lovers lack the skills and the will to deal with their differences, and many are not aware of the fundamental differences on what they would like to achieve in life (Stahmann, 1993).

During counseling, the therapist will ask a series of questions about different aspects of life in which couples often overlooked by the conflicts and disagreements. This can be done through conversation or through special questionnaires that are examined for more information about their beliefs and desires. It is important to focus on areas where they disagree with each other (Stahmann, ...
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