Present State Of The American Republic's Government

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Present State of The American Republic's Government


America follows a political scheme through which the majority of the community rules. It disagrees from other types of dictatorship by the dimensions of the ruling class. It is accepted that democracy directs to flexibility, calm, and prosperity(Shelley Bardes 2008).There are some bright spots that encourage you to look ahead despite the U.S. government is going through difficult times.

Responsibility to the wishes of the elector

The Electoral College is an indirect voting mechanism. U.S. citizens vote for representatives who then cast their vote for U.S. president. Voters have cast their votes according to the will of the people in that state, voters can challenge if necessary. This was done to protect against tyranny or a noble trying to usurp the democratic system. The convention, however, is that voters vote in a block as city voters want. I imagine there will be any kind of public discord and trouble if they did not.

The number of Electoral College votes a state has is in direct proportion to the number of senators and state representatives have. For example, California has fifty-five electors, while Arizona has ten. For a President to be elected should have a majority of Electoral College votes. One advantage of this system is that it tends to legitimize the elected president as the winner-take-all system makes more room for winning the national popular vote.

The United States is also an increase in the domestic politics of a federal state. The continued expansion of centralized power in Washington DC has made the policy prerogatives of the states are getting smaller with each presidential term. The Obama administration and the Republican Congress, for example want expansion of central power in the territory of the states under No Child Left Behind. No state refused the money, weakening the federal and state independence.

The national voice is provided as unadultered in the House. The voice is pure federal, state in the Senate. The election of President and Vice President intends to be a mixture of the two with additional safety valve of indirect election (Janda Jeffrey Goldman 2007). It has worked well for the U.S. to date and the winner takes all aspects of the federal system in the electoral college has given greater legitimacy to the presidents who have just won the national popular vote. The Electoral College as an electoral system fits perfectly into the design and objectives of the Washington system of political and constitutional structure.

Direct democracy is the majority. Not limited to what the majority is allowed to decide. It can be concluded based regulations on a whim, without self-respect of rights can be overcome regulations contrary to the decor of your home as simple as white as it can overcome the rules against murder. There is no guarantee of a just democracy.

Providing people with access to policy formulation,

The policy system reveals how our government responds to the priorities of the ...
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