Psychological Testing

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Psychological Testing

Psychological Testing


Psychological tests are instruments, which indicate the quality of the participant according to the test measured. It can also be defined as a standard procedure for sampling behavior explaining it with scores or categories. There are two purposes for which psychological testing is designed first, to detect the personality disorder and second to measure the intelligence. Psychological test requires meeting three criteria. These criteria include Validity, Reliability, and Standardization.

School psychologists, special-educating teachers, clinical psychologist, psychiatrists, nurses, guidance teacher, and speech therapist use these tests according to their need and criterion (Hogan, 2007). There are several reasons for using psychological tests that include program evaluation, scientific study, psychological study, emotions, behaviors etc.

They are written, visual, and verbal evaluation that analyzes and administers cognitive and emotional functions of human. These tests have the ability to access the mental attributes, and abilities including personality and neurological function.

Types of tests and their uses

Intellectual Functioning Test (IQ Test)

Intellectual quotient test can be taken theoretically to measure general intelligence. It is significant to understand that IQ test cannot measure actual intelligence of the human brain. It just measures what we believe to the most important component of intelligence. There are two methods of testing human, intellectual function level intelligence test and neuropsychological test. Intelligence test is most commonly used to measure the intellectual level of human by Stanford-Binet and the Wechsler scales (Hogan, 2007). This test is used by the Universities, Organizations, and other Government institution for recruiting and selecting candidates.

Neuropsychological Test

This test is attempted to measure human deficits in cognitive function. It includes a person's ability to speak, write, think, and reasoning. This deficit could be because of brain damage, stroke, injury etc. it is the far most extensive way of testing. This test is not just for the intelligence of the human ...
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