Public Policy

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Public Policy

Public Policy

Public Policy


Many are still debating whether ethics and politics are compatible, or if the nature policies are the facts, making it, by necessity, discipline amoral, for which value-related neutrality prevails and the dictatorship of the consequences.

The notion of political public has a strong character polysemous. The etymology of the sense that here we are interested in public policy from the Anglo-Saxon, translated by no less misleading term political public.

From the perspective of Science Social and following Jean-Claude Thoenig, the notion of public policy refers to the discipline that aims to study "the action of public authorities within the company.) What produced those govern us, to achieve what results, by what means? " Dorr Yehezekel define public policy as " use of policy-making" and characterized by a number of different paradigms related to contemporary social science.


It is a scientific discipline whose goal is to produce information that is useful to the process of decision -making and that it can be used to solve problems in specific political circumstances. Such characterization approaches Science of Management to a concept aimed at solving specific problems. In this sense, Aaron Wildavsky argues that the analysis of public policies is to find "a problem about which something could or should be done." William N. Dunn points to his ability to contribute to the advancement of Social Sciences, for "giving solutions to problems face "and the plurality of methodologies depending on their uses. Dror Yehezel in the same direction, indicating that is the "pursuit of creativity and alternatives to current policies.” (Annas, 2006)

Ethical Analysis of Public Policy

It is too obvious to analyze public policy from issues such as political science, the utilitarian, the administrative, legal, etc. But few see the need for ethical analysis. It is clear that other tests are simple, as are met in accordance with good tools and methods developed, for example, the cost benefit analysis, or the median voter theory, or constitutionality of a rule, however, ethics is more complex because it addresses two serious limitations: first, that ethics is understood as a matter of moral beliefs and a paretic therefore, incomplete and in-universal. Second, that given this and that it is a philosophical science, no research methods and techniques.

In this regard, we present a first challenge: to make possible the analysis. To do this we require passing for several moments. First, establish ethics. Ethics is not governed by the ratings subjective, but for the study of ethics and therefore naturalistic entities, in this case, the entity social, the state and its institutions drawing the appropriate conclusions for policy.

The focus of public policy is a set of methods to decompose the complex area of public action in many different activities and analytically separable. Has a value descriptive of the political administration, as long as it allows the observation of the process of developing policies and programs of public action, and facilitates identification of the different actors involved in the public policy ...
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