Public Vs. Private Schools

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Public vs. Private Schools


Historically, there is a rivalry between the public and private schools. Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages in each. The main factor that determines all the benefits of private due to the fact that private schools can afford to choose the students they want to receive. This choice is made from an entrance examination. In addition, the school reserves the right to keep or not a student according to its results or behavior (Witte, p. 55). Between 1999 and 2004, attendance at private elementary and secondary schools rose 14% while the public network has seen its workforce reduced by 4%. According to forecasts by the Ministry of Education, Recreation and Sports for this school year, enrollment growth to the private sector has not been as spectacular, but the decline in the public sector continues.

What leads parents to enroll their children in private schools at the expense of the public network? "The booming economy is one of the reasons for the increase in enrollment in private schools. The decision to send her child to a private school often happens when parents can afford it. "If the government subsidizes private schools 60%, however, it costs almost $ 3,000 per child for one school year.

Parents have many issues to consider when deciding how and where their children will receive their education. Today they have several choices as compared to many years ago when public schools were the only practical choice since private schools were few and far between. Ultimately parents must decide which values are the most important to them, which options are both affordable, and practical for their family, and what will be the best choice for their child's future (Wells, p. 16).  Several studies have been done by many different groups, such as the MEA, NEA various teacher unions, The Barna Group, and School district administration task forces. To summarize there is not any one method or program that stands out more than the other, the main commonality is that the most successful students come from each and every one of the variety of education styles, socio-ecnomic backgrounds religious, ethnic and family situations. Students that want to learn make it work! However, in this paper, we will analyze the difference between public schools and private schools through a number of aspects.


Private schools may be better received on the assets and interests of students. In this respect, educational success is also correspondingly higher. Teachers at private schools can in the classroom, rather than in public schools, every student needs.

In addition, private schools often have focal points to facilitate the choice for parents and children. These priorities range from the linguistic to the music. Also special educational priorities can shape the lessons of the private school (Henig, p. 89). Thus, especially the Waldorf School and the Montessori schools is widespread. Another advantage of the private school, the extracurricular projects, for example, to strengthen the social commitment of the students.

Most parents who choose private just do it because they believe ...
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