Quality And Leadership.

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Quality and Leadership

Quality and Leadership


Thesis statement

Quality is everybody's job, but because it is everybody's job, it can become nobody's job without the proper leadership and organization.

The leadership is of the utmost importance with regard to the introduction and implementation of total quality management (TQM).

Four stages of TQM

The process of total quality management includes four stages in general:

The first phase involves a general idea of quality where the senior management of the company defines of the concept of quality.

The second stage involves the strategic quality planning, which requires identifying the various areas of operations that need improvement (such as leadership, information and analysis, strategic planning, staff development, operations, commercial or industrial, project results and customer satisfaction).

The third and fourth stages of the start of Total Quality Management education and training for everyone in the company from the senior management to all staff about continuous improvement with regard to improving the business and improve the daily work.

A leadership role

To oversimplify, in a quality approach from the start, it must be especially reassuring internally (management, all employees). That is why the word "insurance" that adorned the term quality was welcome. The leader provides quality assurance, the assurance of job well done. The focus is now on quality alone. However this feature is not fully recovered. A quality begins at home and it is very important to reassure and to ensure next. This is the primary function of management. The leader should adopt the attitude of one who knows what to do and how to do, not necessarily in that which is in the business daily (the job), but in the new relationship that the company must be made between quality and mission (and art).

More technically, it is mainly to replace the relationship to two terms of the subject (the body) and object (the famous quality), a relation of three terms:

the individual subject: men and women of the company, the company which carried on driving change

a social subject: characterized by the company in its organization (circuit information, procession and structural mechanics

the object contained quality with all its baggage of preconceived notions

The right type of leader

To be sure, the success of TQM depends largely on the full commitment of management, and also to recognize the need to provide management the right kind of leadership. The responsibility for the preparation and launching the implementation of TQM rests with management alone. This must be subject to the process of selecting the leaders of Total Quality Management for precise measurements for the qualities of leadership that is described below.

The leader must be entrusted to lead the process of implementation of quality; he must be fully conscious of quality and comprehensively understand that quality includes all activities and tasks. This means that the person who will lead the quality must have had personal activity and a clear vision for improving quality, without giving an example of the perseverance and determination to get things right. (Miner, 2005)

And you need quality leadership program also features the public ...
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