Quantitative Research

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Quantitative Research

Quantitative Research

Paradigm Consistent with Quantitative Tradition

Quantitative research is collecting, processing and analyzing quantitative data on variables or predetermined number. This already makes him a connotation that goes beyond a mere list of data organized as a result, since these data shown in the report final, are also in line with the variables that are declared from the beginning and the results will provide a reality to which they are subject.

The product of an investigation of quantitative will be a report which shows a series of classified data, without any information to give you a further explanation, beyond which in them imply. Seen from this perspective, one might think that quantitative studies are arbitrary and do not help the analysis of results rather than what they have shown their own. This is not as well as a study of this type is shown, in addition to the features of, these data have been organized.

This research is to determine the strength of association or relationship between variables, as well as generalization and objectivity of the results through a sample. From here, one can make inferences to a population from which the sample comes. Beyond the study, of the association or relationship also intends to make inferences as to why things happen or not a purposive way. All this goes far beyond a mere listing of data organized, as you can read in the statement given above (Barbour, 1998).

In general, quantitative methods are very powerful in terms of external validity as a representative sample of a total make this inference with safety and accuracy defined. The quantitative paradigm is deductive, which collect data to evaluate models, hypotheses or preconceived theories. The perspective is emphasized on the outside, i.e. it valid or external, which is possible observing. The basic purposes of Quantitative Research Paradigm Social - Education, are to make measurements and accurate predictions of the usual behavior of social groups. The main quest is to explain causes of the phenomena, compare theories and practice, identify discrepancies, statistically analyze, and make connections and generalizations, abstractions.

The analysis helps uncover epistemological principles in terms of knowledge. These seek to determine or justify the truth of a theory by constructing truth criteria that support, the extent is gained skills in the epistemological analysis. The author provides the first analysis the epistemological and, when will display, it does combining or simultaneously presenting the epistemological and the plane of content (Bisman, 2002).

Quantitative paradigm uses a method of causal analysis. It gives more importance to the objective, defined as the measurable. The quantitative nature is intended to ensure the accuracy and rigor that science requires, philosophically rooted in positivism. Contemporary Positivism adheres to the fundamental principles

1. Unity of Science

2. The research methodology should be of the exact sciences, mathematics and physics

3. The scientific explanation is causal in the broad sense, is to subordinate the cases to general laws.

It advocates the use of quantitative methods. Logical positivism seeks facts or causes of social phenomena, paying little attention ...
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