Race And White Privilege

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Race and White Privilege

Race and White Privilege


The study of crime and crime control in the circumstance of class, race and gender. These terms have been keot aside from for the women, minorities and poors. Everybody adjust to into dass, whites have race, and men have gender. However, our interest is not limited to the class, race, and gender biases but also with criminal justices that is played by criminological law. In order words, crime and criminal activities are social justice phnomenan that is produces in daily and discuss in the media, streets, home and government bodies. However, the concept of equal proctection and due process are very important. Moreover, the analysis of the crime and crime justices reinforced when the broader social, cultural and historiacal conception of crime and justice are added to the mix then investigated and evaluated together

There is the strong relationship between race and crime in the United States. This has been a topic for public controversy and debates for more than a century. The history of Afro-Americans is a respected and a constitutional field of American history. In order to show black participation in the nation's growth and development, to prove the inevitability of black equality, or to demonstrate the inexorable progress made by Afro-Americans.


As an academic field, whiteness studies began in the 1990s for the purpose of critically examining what it means to be White in the United States. Black writers such as James Baldwin and W. E. B. Du Bois wrote about whiteness much earlier. Du Bois defined whiteness as ownership of the earth. David Roediger defined whiteness as a destructive ideology exercising political force despite its discrediting as a culture, meaning that though many White people do not recognize that they have a race, they been given profound systematic, advantages. In fact, Ruth Frankenberg found that her research participants experienced being White as unmarked and unnamed. Christine Sleeter wrote that characteristics of whiteness include ravenous materialism, competitive individualism, and a way of living characterized by putting acquisition of possessions above humanity.

Because naming White as a racial category with advantages was not previously included in the academic curriculum, whiteness studies considered a suppressed history. Though whiteness studies traced to the writings of Black intellectuals as early as David Walker's Whites as Heathens and Christians in 1830, its inclusion in the academic curriculum spurred by mostly White writers and intellectuals who study history, literature, labor movements, economics, popular culture, identity development, and communication. Because of its interdisciplinary nature, whiteness studies have no journals, professional associations, book series, or academic departments in the United States; though a professional association exists in Australia.

Nonetheless, the field has offered provocative scholarship exposing the problem of whiteness. There is an international whiteness studies movement with scholarship coming from Canada, the United Kingdom, and Australia as well as the United States. This entry focuses on whiteness studies as it pertains to the United States. While the diversification, of many liberal arts curricula at most American universities have paid at least ...
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