Radiation Therapy

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Radiation Therapy

Radiation Therapy


Radiation therapy is a method of treating cancer and some non-neoplastic diseases with ionizing radiation. This radiation is produced by special machines that use a radioactive source. The effect of radiation therapy is based on the sensitivity of cancer cells to ionizing radiation. Radiation therapy kills the infected cells, while at the same time normal cells do not undergo any change as they are more resistant to radiation. Radiation also helps in killing the tumor, when the rays are brought to the tumor from different angles. As a result, the tumor accumulates the maximum dose.


Support for the Thesis Statement

The resources support the thesis statement as the data can be used for planning and directing sessions of radiation therapy along with caring and stabilizing the patient after the session. Furthermore, the resources may be helpful in avoiding complications of radiation with respect to both the patient and the doctor. The resources also support the thesis statement as they provide care plan for the patients after therapy. Patients need to have planned follow-up because sometimes, the doctor may modify the pattern of treatment depending on the recovery of the patient. According to Schlegel (2006) the new developments in cancer therapy and latest instruments have bring significant change in the success rate curing the cancer, the researcher also supported the radiation therapy.

The radiation treatment requires that the physician is informed about any medications, and handling under any sensitivity to drugs, and must be consulted before taking any drugs even prescribed by another doctor, and before taking vitamins or energy drinks or blends natural herbs. Feeling tired and fatigue is common and a companion to receive radiation therapy, as the body needs a lot of extra energy throughout the treatment period, and the patient feels fatigue during the hours of the day, which requires a lot of rest and sleep. According to Vicky, (2000) the resources with respect to optimizing the radiation therapy also suggest determining the daily activities of the patient, and it promotes the radiation treatment as the best way to cure the cancer.

Good nutrition is extremely important and the patient should follow the appropriate diet, which is nutrient-rich, in order to avoid the problems of nutrition and nutritional deficiencies and weight loss. There is also a need for intensive skin care treatment, which requires appropriate preventive measures.

Radiation Therapy and the Optimization of the Treatment

Radiation therapy is one ...
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