Raising Children With Autism

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Raising Children With Autism


Autism is a complex developmental disability that typically appears throughout the first three years of life. It is caused as a result of a neurological disorder that affects the functioning of the brain. Autism influences the usual development of the mind in the areas of communal interaction and connection skills. Children and mature persons with autism normally have adversities in verbal and non-verbal connection, communal interactions, and leisure or play activities. Results have shown that autism is four times more prevalent in boys than girls.

Raising a progeny is not an very simple task as any parent will attest. Raising a child with autism although presents its own singular set of challenges.(Amaral,5) Autism is a developmental disorder marked by interaction and communication limitations as well as repetitive behavior. It can be damaging for a parent to find that their child is autistic. Fortunately there are many assets in existence as well as support assemblies that make considering this disorder a bit more manageable. People suffering from autism respond to information in exclusive ways. Some of the widespread traits displayed by them are resistance to change, adversity in expressing needs, fondness of being alone than in company, tantrums, little or no eye contact, no real fears of danger, apparent over- sensitivity or under- sensitivity to pain, and the likes. Some young children with autism are particularly sensitive to sound and find even the most ordinary noises painful.(Charman, 781)



A child should be tested for autism spectrum disorders if he or she does not babble or coo by 12 months of age, does not say a single phrase by 16 months of age does not day two- phrase phrases by 24 months of age or has any loss of language or social skills at any age. The families that have an autistic child undergo a allotment of mental, physical and emotional stress, as the demands of raising an autistic child are great. Spouses often spend time alone due to their farthest parenting demands and the lack of qualified staff to watch a child with autism in their absence.

Autism is a psychiatric disorder characterized by impairments in three domains: social interaction, communication, and restricted and repetitive behaviors and interests. (DSM-IV, 1994, p.75) The etiology of Autism has eluded professionals in many distinct disciplines with its obscure and enigmatic nature. The inquiry of what causes Autism is highly controversial. Even though Autism and Autistic Spectrum Disorders have a biological basis actually, it is identified as a developmental disorder and characterised and diagnosed behaviorally as there is not yet a diagnostic biological instrument for ASD.(Amaral,5) A difficulty with behavioral diagnoses is that behavior is exceedingly changeable counting on ability, age of person, their surroundings and personality. In ASD, there is a spectrum of presentations, starting from the calm and detached child with Autism and finish with the loquacious and exceedingly amicable adult with Aspergers Syndrome. Today, there are many studies that have demonstrated Autism has a neurological basis, and genetic and other risk factors are actually ...
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