Rawls And Hayek

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Rawls and Hayek

Rawls and Hayek

Rawls and Hayek


Hayek, theoretician of the "mirage of social justice" and Rawls, author of "A Theory of Justice", appear in complete opposition, yet the economist said that the differences that separated the philosopher was "more verbal than substantial ". Despite conflicting paradigms (evolutionism versus contractualism), gestation standards are similar in the two authors (anti-utilitarianism, fairness, experiments) and leads to two versions of the same conception of justice in society, by the standards adopted and hierarchy (priority of liberty, fair increase opportunities for all, improving the lot of poor).

The theory of J. Rawls, one of the many impressions that can bring your reading is, perhaps, have been produced by something like a laboratory of ideas, that is, having been written by someone who has little contact with reality (Rawls, 2001, 78-90). However, what I intend to show in these pages is just the opposite.

Social justice from economic liberalism: the perspective of Friedrich Hayek

This article aims to present the main ideas developed by the economist Friedrich Hayek on the issue of social justice, which this author is nothing more than an "atavistic instinct" inherited from past societies, and which has little validity existing civilizations. Social justice and moral trend contrasts it to the rules generated by "market forces" present in contemporary open societies. The latter is the only mechanism for development, growth, prosperity and acquisition opportunities. Without this meaning that the results are equal and fair for all, but on the contrary, part of the game involves the acceptance of inequality generated by market forces (Freeman, 2007). Social justice has been used as mere government speech and, as political and ethical ideal in modern societies (Freeman, 2009). Particularly in social formations such as ours, where the dominant model of economic development has widened the gap in poverty, while more sophisticated mechanisms of exclusion and social and economic differentiation. The requirement for true social justice is gaining more strength in the voices of the social sectors that try to make visible their growing demands and who are demanding greater participation in the distribution of social goods (food, employment, health, education, etc.), while claiming the fulfilment of civil and political rights more extensive (Brody, 2001, 25-31).

Since political liberalism means to social justice as a problem related to the distribution of social goods, where the fundamental criterion is the equality-not just as a simple sharing of individual rights, but as a condition that should govern social life. It would be a state obligation, to establish the conditions and devices to achieve a more just and equitable distribution of benefits and responsibilities in society (Rawls, 1997). The equality is a principle that should govern democratic and inclusive society, as is the means to ensure the welfare and development capabilities, and improving the collective quality of life of every member of society (Cesarini, 2004, 159-90).

A society is more just when inequalities to participate in company profits are lower, and the poorest are guaranteed their basic ...