Recovery Model Of Care

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Recovery Model of Care

Recovery Model of Care

Health Care Prelude

Health care is a complex field, composed of many unrelated but interdependent venues of care, with a wide array of highly skilled people in clinical and management backgrounds, and of a complex array of reimbursement programs. It is being driven toward change by a changing demographic population, a Nurse orientation, an untenable level of escalating costs, new technologies, changing societal values, and demands for transparency in financial reporting and quality performance. The health care leader is compelled to develop and master skills that are transformational, the focus turning to communication, customer satisfaction, and superb performance. This is the challenge of leadership in the complex environment of health care. Not only is the field complex, but more is expected of health care leaders than those in other fields. (Onken et.el, 2002)

From a long history shaped by the Hippocratic Oath, "health care leaders must be authentic and transparent in the way that they lead their organizations". Leadership in health care presents opportunity for unique challenge and self-fulfilment. It also calls on deep personal strength, values, and vision. In addressing health care leaders, we are reminded of the clear differences among them: Some lead academic medical centres, others are responsible for health systems comprising multiple hospitals, and still others work in long-term care services, rehabilitation and specialty hospitals, hospice care, outpatient and ambulatory care, teaching and research institutions, managed care organizations, and other divergent organizations—all of them participants within a continuum of care. In some cases, hospitals stand alone as the sole provider in their communities, smaller in size, more narrow in scope of services, and limited to the primary and secondary care services that are within their range of technology and practitioner skill. Still others are of moderate size and scope. In each case, leadership is faced with similar challenges related to changing reimbursement systems, clinician workforce shortages, new technologies, and waves of patients unable to pay for their services. Hospitals daily face competitive environments in which not only other hospitals but also their own medical staff providers often pursue competitive interests (e.g., in building their own surgery centres and thereby pulling market share from the hospital). (Andresen & Oades, 2000)

Mental Health Recovery Model

Recovery is often called a process, an outlook, a vision, a conceptual framework, a guiding principle. There is no single agreed upon definition of recovery. However, the main message is that hope and restoration of a meaningful life are possible, despite serious mental illness. Recovery is … “both a conceptual framework for under- standing mental illness and a system of care to provide supports and opportunities for personal development. Recovery emphasizes that while individuals may not be able to have full control over their symptoms, they can have full control over their lives. Recovery asserts that persons with psychiatric disabilities can achieve not only affective stability and social rehabilitation, but transcend limits imposed by both mental illness and social barriers to achieve their highest goals and ...
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