Recycling Project

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Recycling Project

Recycling Project


According to the global recycling network, recycling refers to a “process by which materials that would otherwise become solid waste are collected, separated or processed and returned to the economic mainstream to be reused in the form of raw materials or finished goods.” Recycling turns waste into resources. Goldsmith and Hildyard (1998) mention in addition, it generates environmental, economical, and social benefits. Recycling is normally associated with materials such as glass, metal, plastics and paper; but the recycling concept can also be applied to water. This article will address recycling in both developed and developing countries, as well as water recycling concepts (Goldsmith and Hildyard, 1998). This paper discusses that many communities have recycling project that allows residents to recycle paper products, cans, and plastic. Not all businesses recycle, however. Research the benefits of recycling determine how a business or business could implement a corporate recycling plan.


The amount of garbage produced today can be attributed to two legacies of the 20th century: Population explosion and the Industrial Revolution. While population growth has increased waste generation, it can also be attributed to the constant development of new or improved products, such as new car models, to stimulate consumption and, therefore, economic growth. In developed countries, many goods that could still be used fill up landfills (Lomborg, 1998). In the past, garbage was more organic in nature and thus assimilated easily, but many of the materials used today are inorganic (e.g., plastics) and degrade very slowly. This increase in consumerism and the limited availability of land to dispose of waste eventually led to efforts to reduce consumption and to reuse and recycle goods. The word “recycling” hardly existed in the lexicon of developed economies of the West until a few decades ago (Goldsmith and Hildyard, 1998).

Recycling is one of the environmental success stories of the late 20th century. Recycling (including composting) diverted 72 million tons of material away from landfills and incinerators in 2003, up from 34 million tons in 1990. By 2002, almost 9,000 curbside collection programs served roughly half of the American population. Curbside programs, along with drop-off and buy-back centers, resulted in a diversion of about 30 percent of the nation's solid waste in 2001.

Besides diverting wastes from landfills, some of the benefits of recycling are that it conserves resources for future generations; prevents emissions of many greenhouse gases and water pollutants; saves energy that would be used to produce material from new raw materials; supplies valuable raw materials to industry; and creates jobs and stimulates development of innovative greener technologies. Recycling has some downsides as well; boxes and bottles of brand names may be used to sell substandard or spurious products. At times, small recycling industries create more pollution (Lomborg, 1998).

According to a 1987 World Watch Study, every time an aluminium can is recycled, the energy equivalent to production of a half a can is saved. One ton of remelted aluminium eliminates the need (in the original process) for four tons of bauxite ore and ...
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