Reference Group Imfluences On Consumer Behavior

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Reference group influences on consumer behavior

Reference group influences on consumer behavior


A group is defined as the set of two or more people who interact to achieve goals either individual or collective. This definition covers a particular type of unilateral cluster where an individual consumer observes the appearance or attitudes of others, who serve as role models in terms of consumption. There are also groups where the individual knows that he is likely to be accepted as a member, but despite them, decides to act as if that had enrolled in one of them, adopting values, attitudes and behavior of such a group. (Latane, 1981)

In the consumer behavior concept the concept of reference groups is a very important and powerful. Reference group is called to any person or group that serves as a benchmark or reference to an individual in the formation of general or specific values ??and attitudes or as a specific guide behavior. In other words it refers to any individual or group of individuals, real or fictitious, that influence the beliefs, opinions, values, attitudes and behaviors of a consumer, by acting as reference base for comparison.

There are different types of reference groups that influence consumer behaviors. These include:

The association groups

These are the groups to which the individual belongs, and which he/ she identify with the views and values that ??constitute the framework, influences that fall in this category are normative influences along with value expressive influences as well as utilitarian influences.

Group's aspiration

It is the group to which an individual wishes to belong or be associated and this covers informational influence and comparative influence.

The dissociative groups

These are groups that the individual does not identify and rejects the values ??and behavior patterns which include avoidance reference groups. These influences are explained below that show how these references groups influence consumer behavior. (Krarup, Russell, 20050


With respect to above classifications, Reference groups that influence overall values ??or behaviors defined are called normative reference groups. Reference groups that serve as models to compare attitudes or behaviors of a specific or narrow customer base are known as comparative reference groups. Normative influence is divided into utilitarian and expressive value.

Normative Influence

Normative influence in relation to the reference group is an influence that encourages the individual to follow group norms for direct rewards or avoid sanctions.  Consumer behavior with respect to normative influence include consumer doing what they consider are acceptable in the society or what can make them part of the society.

For example, parents of a particular social group buy training services, entertainment and education for their children (language, music, vocational training), following the norms of the group. Similarly, an individual may refuse to wear outrageous style to avoid becoming a target of jokes friends.

Utilitarian influence

This influence with respect to consumer behavior occurs where consumers are in accordance with the wishes of others in order to obtain a reward or avoid punishment. Utilitarian influence is useful as it influences consumer's behavior ...
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