Reflective Essay

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Reflective Essay

Reflective Essay


This is a reflective essay based on my experiences in my while the six-week medical placement in a room at a local hospital hematology. The aim of this essay will focus on how the nurse to support children and course work. I chose this particular incident I was clear about the attention given to this patient shortly before his death, and felt the need to reflect on this issue.

To help me with my reflection I have decided to Gibbs (1988), as the model to help guide my reflective process.


Anne was 58 years married to a very loving husband, who had been previously diagnosed with multiple myeloma with renal failure secondary and had been receiving chemotherapy cycles (Greenwood 2003 1183). She became very anxious and I could tell by the look in her eyes that she was frightened and asked me to "get someone quickly," because I could not breathe properly. I called my mentor when I was about who came and gave him some oxygen Ann. Ann told the nurse: "I cannot breathe" and was even more anxious and frightened, he repeated several times that he could not breathe and every time the nurse responded very harshly and without mercy "can breathe, you're talking to me." Ann was already grabbing my hand and asks me not to leave her alone, said he would stay with her while she loved me. My mentor called me after attending another patient nearby, so I explained to Ann and apologized because he had to go and reluctantly did as I was asked by my mentor.

Upon my return to the room a nurse informed me that there was a cardiac arrest in the room while I was gone, I instinctively knew it was Ann. I was informed that an attempt was made to resuscitate her without success, which was then pronounced dead.


In reflecting on the incident was that he had not acted in the best interests of Ann, as the NMC (2002) (paragraph 1) states that I am responsible for my actions and omissions regardless of advice or directions from another professional (Mezirow 2004 3). I felt angry that I did leave a patient who was obviously very scared and anxious when there was no reason for me not to stay with her. The support of a gentle nurse in stress situations can reduce anxiety and fear of the patient. I agree with this and felt it was a pity that I was not there for her and feel that you have appreciated my business.

I understand that nurses are busy and have to prioritize their work, but this time there was an urgent situation that requires me to leave.

I felt angry and upset when the family came to see her body, the nurse involved in actually started to show some concern when shortly before Ann had no time for it at all.


It was a shame that a nurse practitioner acting in the way he did, knowing how anxious and upset I ...
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