Reform Bill

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Health Care Reform Bill Summary

Health Care Reform Bill Summary


After what seems like forever, Congress finally passed health care reform bill. The main purpose of President Obama to start his term seems within reach. The question, however, is that in this bill, what real change will people feel as a result of all this controversy? Or is it all political games with real influence? Read on for a summary of actual changes to the medical care of the new law on health care reform.

Main Components of the Bill

The most important thing to understand about the reform is that it gradually - most changes will not come into play, when President Obama signed the bill into law (which is expected to be Tuesday, March 23, 2009). Changes to activate over the next decade. Here are the main changes and their consequences.

The content of health reform Bill

Prior to 2011

Small businesses get a tax credit to contribute to the new health insurance for employees.

Children cannot be excluded from receiving health insurance from vendors in connection with pre-existing conditions.

Prior to the new health insurance exchange was commissioned in 2014, currently uninsured adults with pre-existing conditions will be able to buy subsidized health insurance.

Companies can use temporary health "reinsurance program to provide benefits for 55-64 year old pensioner.

Diagnosis of a new disease is no longer grounds for loss of health insurance. In addition, insurance companies will no longer be able to limit your lifetime health benefits, and their ability to limit the annual coverage will be limited.

President Obama about Health Care Reform

There is currently a Medicare prescription drug loophole between about $ 2700 and $ 6200 worth of medicine. Reform bill and provides $ 250 discounts for Medicare beneficiaries who fall into this loophole and provides for the closing ...
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