Religion Comparison

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Religion Comparison

As civilization has expanded and improved has gone through many different religions. Some of the most interesting and different have been the Mesopotamian religion, the religion of the Greeks and eventually Christianity. These three religions are practiced in different areas and different time periods and therefore will be excellent for comparison. Religion is a fundamental part of every society and civilization. No matter how it is organized or what God they worship, a society would be nothing without some kind of deity to organize it. Through the study units of the amount that people trust in the gods has been evident and that is why this issue makes a very good test. Three areas of religion is used to compare each of the chosen religion, style of worship, temples or places of worship, and the nature of their God or gods (Miller 24-35).

Hinduism is a synthesis of the belief conveyed into India by the Aryans (c.1500 B.C.) and indigenous religion. The first stage of Hinduism was early Brahmanism, the belief of the clerics or Brahmans who presented the Vedic forfeit, through the power of which correct relative with the gods and the cosmos is established. The Veda comprises the liturgy and understanding of the forfeit and culminates in the Upanishads , mystical and speculative works that state the doctrine of Brahman, the unconditional truth that is the self of all things, and its persona with the one-by-one soul, or atman. Later Upanishads mention to the practices of yoga and comprise theistic components that are completely evolved in the Bhagavad-Gita.

Post-Vedic Hinduism in all its types acknowledges the doctrine of karma , as asserted by which the one-by-one reaps the outcomes of his good and awful activities through a sequence of lifetimes. Also unanimously acknowledged is the aim of moksha ...
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