Research Analysis

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Research Analysis

Research Analysis


The main purpose of the paper is to analyze two articles of qualitative and quantitative study method and analyze the literature review of the articles. The two articles selected for the analysis are “Inclusive Education and Effective Classroom Practices” which is based on the qualitative research methodology and “Teacher Classroom Practices and Student Performance: How Schools Can Make a Difference” which is based on the quantitative research methodology.

Inclusive Education and Effective Classroom Practices

The main emphasis of this research is on funding the disseminating classroom practices in the inclusive settings. The study is based on the ways through which the European teachers make use of inclusive practices on a wider scale in their classrooms. In order to conduct this research, the literature review has been conducted from the participated European countries for the purpose of gaining knowledge about the current practices of inclusive study.

Literature Review Analysis

Current Information on Subject

The literature review has been defined by taking the information and data from 15 countries which have been used in this research as participants. The literature review is full of the current information about the inclusive practices which are conducted in European classrooms. The literature review has been defined for the purpose of gaining the information of various models which are used in classrooms for the inclusive settings and the effects of these approaches on the students (Meijer, 2001).

Who has Published Research

Different authors have submitted their valuable contribution in providing the research information of the subject. The author has taken the data from different authors in gathering the authentic data of the effect of inclusive settings in European classrooms.

Author's Suggestion for more Opportunities

This published information provides a huge data, but there is also a need for gathering different other sources which can be helpful in providing the more ...
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