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Diabetes Type 2


Diabetes mellitus, often commonly referred to as Diabetes is a metabolic and chronic disease that affects human body due to irregularity in sugar level and failure of human body to create sufficient insulin to cater that sugar level. The pre-diabetes conditions have symptoms such as elevated sugar level human body. In the human body pancreas are responsible for generating insulin that dilutes or mitigates the negative impact of sugar level to human body. When the pancreas fail in producing or generate insufficient level of insulin required for mitigating sugar level; this is referred to as Type 1 Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes condition. (


There are a number of aspects to compare and contrast Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. In order to proceed with this discussion one need to understand that in pancreas there are beta cells responsible for producing insulin in human body.

Type-1 diabetes can generally occur in adults under 30 years of age and children, and hereditary factors often affect adoption of Type 1 diabetes by a patient. External dose of insulin are given to Type 1 diabetes patients through syringe or via oral medicines, whereas Type-2 diabetes is mostly common with adults above 40 years of age and obesity or over-weight features of a person often cause Type 2 diabetes, that is, a person above 40 years of age and with over-weight physique has higher tendency to get infected by Type 2 diabetes. There are chronic complications of diabetes such as contraction of the blood vessels that is a disease that can impair heart, nerves and kidney in a human body (Murray, 2006).

In patients with type II diabetes the beta cells produce increased amounts of dostatochnoeili even insulin, but the fabric loses its specific property of the perceived signal. If diabetes combined with obesity, the main cause of insulin insensitivity is that adipose tissue as a kind of screen blocks the action of insulin. To break through this blockade, beta-cells begin to work with the increased load, and ultimately it's their exhaustion, that is, the relative lack of changes in the absolute. However, it is very important to stress, insulin-independent diabetes does not go with a non-insulin dependent.

In type II diabetes and have normal body weight caused the illness is a disturbance of perception of the signal of insulin receptors located on the cell surface.

But whatever the root cause of diabetes, the body slows down with the conversion of sugar from food and contained in the blood, animal starch, glycogen, which is deposited in muscle and liver.

The increase in blood sugar is accompanied by enhanced its excretion in the urine. Isolation of large quantities of fluid from the body causes dehydration of tissues, patients have thirst instead of relying on the rate of 1.5-2 liters of fluid per day, they drink up to 8-10 liters. Accordingly, increases the amount of urine that is developing a vicious circle.

Along with the increased thirst of growing weakness, there are itchy skin, dry ...
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