Response Paper On Medical Futility

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Response paper on Medical Futility

Medical Futility


A recent existing debacle present in our society is the rapid emergence of discussions especially when the concerning issue is the matter of life and death. Futile Medical systems is not a new concept, according to this concept it refers to the continuation of medical treatment to a patient when there is no reasonable hope of a cure and it most probable that the treatment would be of no benefit to the patient. The purpose behind this paper is to understand the concept of futility and whether it is a right practice and people should always have this right to be able to demand for medical treatment even when the doctor gives up. This paper will look into some of the economic, social and governmental aspects of futility and whether it can prove useful to any person.


There is a growing awareness in how people have started demanding for their rights and for what they believe in, in many recent years it has been seen that people are extensively demanding rights for the patients. Every doctor has the right to refuse treatment to a patient for multiple reasons; the most apparent reason for refusal for doctor is in cases where the treatment is not going to help improve the patient's condition (Anonymous, 2007). The question arising here is whether patients and their families have the right to pursue their right for treatment?

Every patient has a right of autonomy and self determination when it comes to their medical condition and treatment. According to the Uniform health care decision act of 1993 have created a hybrid law which gives a patient the right to pursue treatment after understanding the adverse effects that treatment can have and establishing a power of attorney who can make decisions regarding their treatment ...
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