Role Of Government

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Role of Government

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Role of Government


It is inherent to human nature to crave power and likewise? to want to obey. Though these two characteristics may seem contradictory? I believe they are consistent with the foundations of government in general terms. Governments essentially support the "power in numbers" cliché; (Kettl 2005) for what may be impossible for an individual to accomplish alone? may be conceivable? and even simple? for the organized? hierarchical institution of a government. Yet with great power undoubtedly comes opposition and conflict; in the face of change and development? certain values must be sacrificed. Freedom? order and equality are three principles that every government strives to uphold? though each in varying degrees. It is a constant struggle to achieve an appropriate balance of these principles; there are drastically alternating views between whole nations across the globe (democracy vs. communism)? and even within a given government? individuals themselves hold different opinions of what is best? or better for society (liberal vs. conservative). (Riley 2006) In an attempt to describe the variability of these opinions? I will examine my personal viewpoints as a young? female citizen in the United States of America.

Thesis Statement

The role of the government is to provide an organized society? but it also provides an enforceable set of moral and ethical values which control the functioning of our society


“We hold these truths to be self-evident? that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with inherent inalienable rights; that among these are life? liberty and the pursuit of happiness... it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it? and to institute new government? laying its foundation on such principles? and organizing its powers in such form? as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.”(Thomas Jefferson; original Declaration of Independence) (Gianos 2005) The role of the government is to provide an organized society? but it also provides an enforceable set of moral and ethical values which control the functioning of our society. Our forefathers wrote within the Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights a code of moral values. They formed this government to have power? but not too much power. To accomplish this they wrote in articles that limited the use of the power given to the government. (Dolan 2001) By doing this they enabled the citizens of this country to remain free and not have to worry about the government having too much power or control over their lives. The constitution was written with language that gives power to certain parts of the government and denies power to other parts. It also guarantee's the right of individuals by providing that the government rules that must be followed. A system of checks and balances was implemented to insure that equal power is maintained.

Thomas Paine wrote that “rights are not gifts from one man to another nor from one class of men to another... it is impossible ...
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