Root Canal Treatment

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Critical Appraisal of Articles on Root Canal Treatment

Critical Appraisal of Articles on Root Canal Treatment


In this paper, I will be presenting critical appraisal of the given articles based on root canal treatment. Root canal therapy can be called endodontic treatment, which means to clean and disinfect the root canal (Ørstavik, 2005, p.25). This treatment is necessary when the pulp becomes infected due to decay or injury. It is essential to remove the infected pulp to prevent the spread of infection and abscess formation (Ørstavik, 2005, p.25). Root canal treatment can save the tooth; because once the pulp is destroyed, then the only solution is to extract the tooth. Root canal treatment can be performed under local anesthesia and is painless (Schilder, 1974, 37).

The devitalized tooth may darken after a while. If coloring problems, the normal appearance, can be restored by various treatments (Gluskin, 2005, p.61). Devitalized teeth cleaned in the same way as the other teeth several times a day with fluoride toothpaste. The idea is to eat less candy and go to your dentist regularly (Gluskin, 2005, p.61).

Presentation and Organization of Articles

The level of writing that the articles show is very formal and professional. The level of writing that is shown in the paper is academically effective and efficient way. The notions that the writer want to convey are very clear and complete. Not only the level of writing is very good, but the overall organization was also very good. The paper was in flow.

Root Canal Treatment

All three articles revolved around the root canal treatment. Root canal is a serious treatment by dentists to repair infected teeth. Even the most harmless indisposition with untimely treatment can escalate into serious disease, especially when it comes to teeth. Critically analyzing each article I have seen detailed information of each aspect related to dentistry.

Learning from the Case Analysis

The first and foremost thing that I learned from the performing the critique of this case analysis is presentation. The presentation and organization can make a very strong impression on the reader and can develop the interest of the reader. One other very important thing that I learned from this critique is related to the applications of root canal treatment. One different aspect that is included in the analysis is the impact of this issue on the life of patient. This paper talks about the standards and benchmark that dentists needs to set in terms of satisfying their patients with their treatment. This point makes me admit that analysis of the article can involve many aspects. The only thing that is required to do that is to think from a broader perspective.

Compelling Strength of the Analysis

The flow of the paper makes me understand the case in detail. In all three articles, the article first talks about the general information about root canal. Then, the paper moves towards various methods of root canal treatment. After explanation, it highlights material used and ideal filling among ...
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