Running Head The Emerging Nation (1780s -1800s) the Emerging Nation (1780s -1800s)

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Running Head THE EMERGING NATION (1780S -1800S)

The Emerging Nation (1780s -1800s)


The United States of America faced a lot of issues since its inception. Many people lost their lives and a lot of blood was shed in the making in this country called the Land of opportunity. Majority and Minority alike struggle to make the best of the opportunity they avail.


Moreover, the US was an emerging nation during the 1780s and struggled till the later 1800s. The country faced a lot of stress due those particular decades, as the whole country was going through a major face lift, and a lot of innovation was also being brought in. During the 1780s till the 1800, US experienced, the Industrial Revolution which brought a significant change in people's lives, giving the many employed opportunities to avail. As before the industrial revolution, the citizens of U.S.A were basically farmers, cobblers, masons and modes of transportation were limited.

Therefore, as the industrial revolution was spreading throughout America, a lot of technological changed were witnessed, the steam engine was made, coal and iron was discovered and more over, the US was headed towards a progressing nation. However, the Industrial Revolution gave birth to another Revolution called the American Revolution which was the struggle of thirteen American colonies against Great Britain.

Moreover, the man behind this revolutionary war was U.S's third president Thomas Jefferson who was a republican and promoted republicanism. He happened to gain popularity due to his talent of being an effective spokesman during the American Revolution, and his political thought has become an ideology which motivated the many people of America. Due to his ideology Americans like Jefferson came to recognize their claims to an independent nation. He argued that Americans possessed the same natural rights to govern themselves as their ancestors had exercised when they moved to England from Germany.

The U.S went through a major face lift during the time of the American Revolution. America became allies with Great Britain and was able to give more opportunity to the citizen's majority and minority alike. Jefferson remains a major figure in the development of the United States. His accomplishments, both large and small, and his beliefs, both political and personal, remain inspiring to Americans, especially through his masterpiece, the Declaration of Independence.

Apparently, The American Revolution took place due to that thirteen colonies of America broke free from the British Empire and joined with the existing colonies of US in order to form United States of America and therefore the country had their independence on the 4th of July 1776, when the declaration was signed in congress which stated the separation from Great Britain.

Therefore, as the industrial revolution was spreading throughout America, a lot of technological changed were witnessed, the steam engine was made, coal and iron was discovered and more over, the US was headed towards a progressing nation. However, the Industrial Revolution gave birth to another Revolution called the American Revolution which was the struggle of thirteen American colonies against ...