Sales Of Ready Meals

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Sales Of Ready Meals

Sales Of Ready Meals


Strong growth in recent years, the market for ready meals is facing today more mixed developments. If the market recovers in 2010, primarily through better keeping demand in the consumer segment, the magnitude of this rebound will remain modest. The image of high cost attached to certain products (fresh prepared dishes in particular), the trend towards a return to kitchen "house" or the rise of nutritional concerns are all factors contributing to slow market growth. This translates into more challenging environment by strengthening competitive pressures in the sector, a perceptible change in the degradation of economic performance of manufacturers of prepared foods. According to analysis conducted by a Xerfi sample companies, the rate of profit before tax of operators has been divided by about 2 between 2004 and 2010, falling to 5.2% of value added. However, the market still holds potential for growth in the medium term. The trends that have contributed to the higher sales of prepared foods (reduced household size, reduction time spent preparing meals, cooking less transmission of knowledge, etc.) are effect caused to endure. Sign of the interest in the meals, other operators segments of the food is positioned on the market. Charal developed specialist meat has For example in 2009 launched a range of fresh food (pot-au-feu or veal stew vegetables, salt pork with lentils, etc.).. Others also seek to diversify their activity in cooked dishes, like the Alliance Group has just taken over the company Normandy Dishes. Euralis has in turn increased its shareholding to take up Stalaven control of the company in October 2009. (Beardsworth, 2010)

The arrival of new entrants to increase competition faced by the Specialist dishes, also confronted with the progression of brands in supermarkets. Manufacturers (Nestlé, Findus, Mary, Fleury Michon, William Saurin, etc..) Remain So offensive, both to maintain their positions and boost demand. Innovation remains one the main strategies followed by operators, which rely on a high turnover of income and work on packaging to enhance the attractiveness of the dishes. To differentiation, manufacturers are also on the development of regional references (Little Chef with recipes North Delpeyrat in the Southwest), bio (Fleury Michon, Cote Bio) or halal (Fleury Michon, Panzani). Finally, image enhancement nutritional meals remains a major Working for major manufacturers, in a context of rising questions of consumers about the composition of these products. Marie example reworked some of its revenue to improve the nutritional qualities. The importance means that operators have to spend on innovation policies, but also communicating their brands to support, encourage manufacturers to increase their capital base Financial. Poulterer LDC group, already owns several companies in the sector (Agis European Dishes, etc.) Has considerably strengthened its positions by taking into Marie in July 2009 the company, a major food cooked with a presence in both fresh and frozen. Delpeyrat has also developed its business by acquiring catering to the summer of ...
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