Same Sex Marriage

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Same Sex Marriage

Same Sex Marriage


Same-sex marriage - a marriage between persons of the same sex. Should be distinguished from same-sex marriage " of same-sex civil partnerships "and other forms of same-sex unions that are legally distinct from marriage, and often have significant limitations when compared to marriage. The fact that marriage establishes the couple in various rights: the right to joint property, the right to alimony, the right to inheritance, social and medical insurance, preferential taxation and crediting, the right to name, the right not to testify in court against a spouse, the right to act a trustee of behalf of a spouse in the event of his incapacity due to health, the right to dispose of the body of a spouse in the event of death, the right to joint parenting and foster care and other rights enjoyed by non-registered couples. However, in today's fast growing world, everything has totally changed including the lifestyles and the traditional concept of marriages. All of the traditional imaginations changed to the way of gay and lesbian style of marriages. The gay marriage is the union of two persons of similar biological sex or social gender. Numbers of conservatives are completely against gay marriage; and many of liberals are fighting for equal treatment.

Discussion and Analysis

Opponents of gay marriage argue that the traditional and religious norms in marriage can only join a man and a woman, but because the requirements of gays and lesbians to recognize them the same right is absurd and it is not about equal rights of homosexuals and heterosexuals and homosexuals to provide new revolutionary rights.

Supporters of same-sex marriage indicate that the registration of marriage is the legal effect, independent of religious norms (in most modern states and a legal registration of the church marriage take place separately), and that the law should follow the social changes that lead to the elimination of inequality between people - as and going for the past centuries, when gradually abolished the previously existing prohibitions on marriage registration (eg, between spouses who belong to different social strata, religions or races). However, they consider the right to marriage through the lens of natural rights, the rights to physical and mental health, equality before the law.

The legalization of gay marriage is a topic that been argued in our society for the last several decades. Traditionally marriage is an amalgamation between a man and a woman in the promise of love for the purpose of joining family and society interest; it means the ages of experience have taught humanity that the commitment of a husband and wife to love and one another promotes the welfare of children and the stability of society. Most of the scientific studies show that the conjugal peoples are healthier, wealthier, and happier than unmarried men also wedded spends only half as much time sick and in the hospital as unmarried's.

Presently a same sex couple cannot marry in the United States, and almost 36 states have passed legislation banning gay ...
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