Scientific Method

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Scientific Method in a Primary Research Scientific Article

Scientific Method in a Primary Research Scientific Article


The article is focusing on the experiment which was conducted on mice. In this experiment, the basic purpose of the test was to find out that does coffee lowers diabetes or not. The mice used in this experiment have a mutation that makes them become diabetic. A group of 11 mice was given water, and another group of 10 mice was supplied with diluted black coffee (coffee: water 1:1) as drinking fluids for five weeks. The composition of the diets and living conditions were similar for both groups of mice. Blood glucose was monitored weekly for all mice. After five weeks, there was no change in average body weight between groups. Results indicated that blood glucose concentrations increased significantly in mice that drank water compared with those that were supplied with coffee. Finally, blood glucose concentration in the coffee group exhibited a 30 percent decrease compared with that in the water group. Every empirical test of a theory is an attempt to falsify it, and there are degrees of testability with respect to theories as a whole. Focusing on falsification relocates power from the extent to which a theory corresponds with a given reality or set of circumstances to the extent to which it logically can be proven false given an infinite range of empirical possibilities (Kuhn, 2001).

Q1) Hypothesis Statement

The hypothesis statement of this experiment is as follows: “Coffee helps in preventing diabetes, and the major contribution of this effect is because of the consumption of caffeine”.

Q2) why did the researchers test this hypothesis?

Epidemiological studies suggest that coffee consumption reduces the risk of cancers, including colon cancer, but the molecular mechanisms and target(s) underlying the chemo preventive effects of coffee and its active ingredient(s) remain unknown. Based on serving size or daily units, coffee contains larger amounts of phonemic physiochemical than tea or red wine. Coffee or chlorogenic acid inhibited CT-26 colon cancer cell-induced lung metastasis by blocking phosphorylation of ERKs. The experiment was conducted to test the impact of coffee on diabetes. According to the research and experiment conducted in this article proved that consuming coffee does not result in the increase of body weight of an individual. The experiment was conducted on mice in which a group of mice were given normal water to drink for several days,, and the other group of mice was given half water, and half coffee to consume for several days. The end result of the experiment was same. Both of the group had similar weight gain and there was nothing abnormal in the group of mice which consumed coffee and water for several days. This proved that the consumption of caffeine is beneficial for the diabetic patients (Howson, 2006).

Q3) Control group

A control group in a scientific experiment is a group separated from the rest of the experiment where the independent variable being tested cannot influence the ...
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