Security Of Data Transfer

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Security of Data Transfer over National Networks

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[Words: 1950] Security of Data Transfer over National Networks


Information security is the means of to all those preventive and reactive measures of man, organizations and technological systems that allow safeguard and protect the information seeking to maintain confidentiality, the availability and integrity of it. The concept of information security should not be confused with that of computer security, since the latter only in charge of security in the computer environment, being able to find information in different ways or forms.

For the man as an individual, information security has a significant effect on their privacy, which may take different dimensions depending on the culture of it. The field of information security has grown and evolved considerably since the Second World War, becoming an accredited career worldwide. This field offers many specialty areas, including the audit of information systems planning, business continuity, digital forensics and system management security management, among others.


Since time immemorial man has jealously guarded and protected their knowledge and because of the advantage it gave him power over other men or societies. In ancient times arise libraries, places where you could save information to transmit and to prevent others obtained, thus giving some of the earliest examples of data protection.

Sun Tzu in The Art of War and Niccolo Machiavelli in The Prince points to the importance of information on adversaries and full knowledge of their purposes for making decisions. World War II created most of the intelligence world to gain valuable and influential, creating large networks of espionage. As a form of protection comes the counter; with the passing of the years to increase the scope of technology, care information has become crucial for men, organizations and societies.


In information security is important to note that their management is based on the technology and we know that may be confidential, the information is centralized and can have a high value. May be disclosed, misused, be stolen, deleted or sabotaged. This affects their availability and threatening. Information is power, and according to the strategic possibilities offered by having access to certain information, it is classified as:

Review: It is essential for the operation of the company.

Valuable: This is a company asset and very valuable.

Sensitive: It must be known by persons authorized

There are two very important words that are risk and safety:

Risk: all types of vulnerabilities, threats that can occur without warning and cause heavy losses to businesses. The risks are the most damaging information and communications technologies.

Safety: It is a form of protection against risks.

The information security comprises several aspects including availability, communication, problem identification, risk analysis, integrity, confidentiality, recovery of the risks.

Precisely the reduction or elimination of risks associated with certain information is the subject of information security and computer security. More specifically, the security of information systems aims to access, use, disclosure, disruption or destruction of unauthorized information. The terms information security, computer security and information assurance are frequently used interchangeably ...
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