Sex Education

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Sex Education

Section 1: Background

Title of the Study: Importance of sex education for prevention of HIV/AIDS in teenagers.

Outline of the Study

This research focuses on the various aspects of the prevention of HIV/Aids through Sex Education in developing countries and comprises of the following chapters:


Literature Review

Research Methodology

Aims and Objectives

To find out the effectiveness of Sex education and to evalute its benefits in preventing HIV/AIDS in teenagers.

Research Question

How does sex education prevent HIV/AIDS in teenager's aged 13 - 18 yrs in developing countries?

Literature Review

    Young people need accurate information to assist them and protect themselves. The United States has more than twice the rates of pregnancy than any other western industrialized country; more than a million teenagers become pregnant each year. Young people have the highest rates of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) than any other age group; one in four contracts an STD before age 21. STDs, including HIV, can damage health and reproductive ability of a young. There is no cure for AIDS.    

HIV - it is an unusual virus because a person can have it in the body for many years and feels and look like they are absolutely healthy. But the virus gradually multiplies inside the body, destroying red blood cells, which are part of the immune (defense) system of the body. If a person has HIV, it does not mean that he immediately develop AIDS. The virus can be found in the body ten or more years before a person feels any symptoms of the disease. During this period, people can look and feel perfectly healthy, but it can transmit the virus to others. Modes of HIV transmission: sexual, through blood and from HIV positive mother to child during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding. Only in 4 body fluids contain HIV in sufficient quantities for infection: blood, semen, vaginal secretions and breast milk. Virus is found in other body fluids (urine, saliva, sweat), but the concentration of virus in these fluids is low and insufficient for infection.

Literature Review

In our society there is great ambivalence toward sex education, a great interest know more, but a reluctance to talk directly with the subject. This attitude is partly result of ignorance about the benefits of sex education and also fear human beings feel about the possibility of falling into situations that we cannot handle. Definitely, we must recognize that few know the effects of education sex and sexuality is an issue that moves our deepest emotions, is an issue that touches our innermost. Previous generations grew up surrounded by silence, ignorance, taboos and prejudices. From trial and error learned how to live our sexuality, how to make a sex life source of joy, not fear, and how to create an atmosphere of sexual equality, what conditions must change to achieve equality of opportunity between men and women. The men have grown more lenient rules to go out and live sexual experiences, but they approach the subject of jokes and puns with little or no room for expression and reflection serious about ...
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