Shopping Environment

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Shopping Environment

Impact of shopping environment on the Purchase and Consumption

Impact of shopping environment on the Purchase and Consumption


As athe astandard aof aliving ahas aimproved afor athe apopulace, athe apurchasing apower aof acitizens ahas aalso aincreased. aIn acontemporary atimes, acompetition ahas abecome ahighly aheated. aIn aorder ato aleave astrong aimpressions aon aconsumers, athe ameans aof adistinguishing athemselves aand ausing acreative, ainteresting, aand adiverse aactivities ato aattract aconsumers aand aobtain agood aresults ahave abecome aurgent amatters afor amerchants. aKotler a(1973) asuggests athat athe astore aatmosphere acreated aby athe apurchasing aenvironment ais aa apowerful asales atool, abecause: a(1) athe aincrease ain aproduct asales apathways aand acompetition acauses astore aatmosphere ato abecome aa apowerful asales atool afor aattracting aand amaintaining aspecific amarket asegmentation. a(2) aVariation ain aproduct aand apricing abetween aretailers ahas acontinually adecreased, acausing astore aatmosphere ato abecome aan aimportant ainfluencing afactor ain aconsumer adecisions aof astore aselection. a(3) aStore aatmosphere acan abe aviewed aas aa atool afor adividing aconsumers aby asocioeconomic aclass aand aliving astyle. aCommon aexperience aand athe aactual aactivities aof amultiple aretailers aalso ashow athat astore aatmosphere acan atangibly aaffect athe abuying adecisions aof aconsumers.

In adiscussing astore aenvironment avariables, acustomer abuying aemotion aand abuying abehaviour, amany ascholars ado anot aview afactors aof aenvironmental astimuli aas apredisposing afactors, ainstead aviewing athe avarious afactors aof aenvironmental astimuli aas astore aatmosphere; aenvironmental astimuli aare adiscussed aas aan ainfluence aon aemployee atraining aand aworking aattitude, aor acustomer abuying aorientation aand abehaviour. aAs aa aresult, ain aorganizing apast aliterature aon astore aenvironments, acategories aof adiscussion aare aas afollows a(Baker, aParasuraman, aGrewal aand aVoss, a2002): a1. aSimultaneous aand aconsumer areaction-related aenvironmental afactors asuch aas: amusic a(e.g., aBui, aDubé aand aChebat, a1997), acolour a(e.g., aBellizzi, aCrowley aand aHasty, a1983), asmell a(Spangenberg, aCrowley aand aHenderson, a1996), aand acrowdedness a(e.g., aHui aand aBateson, a1991). a2. aNormal astore adimensions athat ainfluence acustomer apatronage aintention, asuch aas a“store aatmosphere” aand a“physical aattractiveness” a(e.g., aDonovan aand aRossiter, a1982). a3. aPast astudies ahave ademonstrated athat astore aenvironments acan astimulate aemotional aresponse ain acustomers a(e.g., aBabin aand aDarden, a1996). aThe aabovementioned astudies adid anot aexplore athe ainfluence aof amultiple aenvironmental afactors aon acustomer abuying aemotion aor ago aone astep afurther ato aexplore athe arelationship abetween aenvironmental aperception, aspending abehaviour, aand acustomer asatisfaction awith athe astore. aAlso, amost adomestic aliterature aon astore aenvironmental afactors adiscusses athe ainfluence aof amusic aand avisual astimulation a(such aas alighting). aAs aa aresult, ain aattempting ato aunderstand aenvironmental astimuli afactors, athis astudy aincludes athe ainfluence aof adesign aand astaff ain aaddition ato athat aof amusic, aand aapplies asuch ato athe astudy aof athe aretail aindustry.

In asummary, awhen athe acustomer ahas amore apositive abuying aemotions, ahis/her aappraisal aof athe astore awill abe amore apositive aand awill ahave aincreased apatronage aintention. aThis astudy awill aattempt ato ago aone astep afurther aand adiscuss athe ainfluence aof abuying aemotion aon aspending abehaviour aand astore asatisfaction aunder athe ainfluence aof aenvironmental acues; athis astudy awill aalso aexplore athe ainfluence aof aspending abehaviour aon asatisfaction. a

Literature Review

In apast aliterature, adefinitions aand acategorizations aof astore aenvironments aare ...
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