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Sleep is the act of entering a resting state. Sleep is extremely important for humans, once when we sleep, several important metabolic processes occur on the body. In summary, sleep contributes to our physical and psychological(Walker 2009). One benefit of sleep is its contribution to the restoration of health in cases of diseases and contributes to the well being of the immune system. Experts claim that sleep disturbances may be significant barriers to recovery from illness. There is consistent evidence that sleep deprivation causes increased risk of diabetes, blood hypertension, and cardiovascular disease. The dream also contributes to mental and emotional wellbeing. People who manage to sleep well have a greater ability to concentrate, self-control tasks and personal and professional. Sleep deprivation negatively alters the ability of concentration, learning, logical reasoning and memory of the individual. In relation to the amount of sleep needed for a proper rest, there is no consensus among experts. However, much of the cases, the ideal is around seven hours(Morrissey 2004).

Phases of Sleep

Sleep has a significant effect on our daily life and functioning, it also affects our mental and physical health in many ways. This can be proved easily when lying on the pillow and sleep well we wake up tired, without energy and sometimes moody, and as a result, we cannot do the things you normally do as work or study, also costs us concentrate on anything and we are not in the mood to talk to anyone or be bothered by little things(Legramante & Galante 2005 ). On the other hand, none or almost none of these things happen when we have a good night's sleep. Basically we can divide sleep into two phases:

REM (Rapid Eye Movement)

NREM (Movement of Non-Rapid Eye)

The NREM state corresponding to 75% of the period sono, being divided into four phases:

STAGE 1: This is the stage of drowsiness, where the individual begins to feel the first sensations of sleep. At this stage the person can be easily awakened,

STAGE 2: It lasts on average 5 to 15 minutes.

STAGE 2 in the heart activity is reduced, relax, if the muscles and body temperature drops. It's much harder to wake the individual.

STAGE 3: Very similar to the STAGE 4, difference-if only in relation to the level of depth of sleep, a little smaller.

STAGE 4: Lasts about 40 minutes. Is the phase where sleep is very deep?


So how much sleep is really necessary? This varies for each person and depends on several factors such as age(Gilmartin & Thomas 2004). For example, in childhood are needed about 16 hours of sleep, teen's need about 9 hours of sleep most adults need 8 hours on average. Pregnancy is another factor; pregnant women usually suffer from back problems and need more sleep than usual. In addition, if a person has sleep deprivation in recent days, the amount of sleep that person will need to increase.

And what does the dream for our health? The ...
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