Social Anxiety Disorder

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Social Anxiety Disorder

Social Anxiety Disorder


Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) refers to a social phobia in which a person has irritation to certain situations or fear to certain situations. It also includes the factors such as the fear to be judge by other at various social events such as get to gather parties, shopping etc. This phobia is found in almost every age but mostly it is started from the age of adolescence. According to Kearney, 2005 in his book “Social anxiety and social phobia in youth”, when a person is in his period of adolescence and his parents show an overprotective behavior or limited his social interaction opportunities he become a victim of SAD. This phobia attach to the child and carries on with him for rest of his life. It is also found in many of the college students. It has been observed that this phobia has severe impact on the life of students and the people who are related to those students. These people not only create problem for themselves but also for the people around them. Their performance at school and college also suffer badly. College life is a critical stage in the life of a person that is why if the problem is not cleared over here then the aftereffects can be augmented and it can continue over a period of time. Professors and teachers also find it difficult to communicate their lectures to these people effectively and they do not show any positive reaction or negative reaction showing that they are able or unable to understand a topic. These students act in this way so that no one can criticize or pass any judgment about them as they are afraid of being judged.


In college level students competition is tough than in primary education level i.e. school students. These students not only compete in academics but also in extracurricular activities. That student who previously was restrained from attending social gathering or whose social interaction opportunities were limited feels shy to interact with his classmates and colleagues. This has very adverse effect on the growth and development of the student (Yoon & Joormann 2012). Since the student is victim of SAD he hesitates to ask questions in classroom which results in confusion to understand the topic or he is not able to understand the topic complete. Such student has a fear that his classmates will laugh at him if he will ask a question or the teacher will become angry if the question comes to silly. Such students become victim of depression and stress because they are not able to complete their projects, assignments and homework. They also have the fear of failure in the examination which gives them even more stress. Some students are able to fight with the stress in order to overcome the situation and those who are weak in fighting with their problem sometimes attempts suicide as a way to escape from the situation. Another reason of suicide can be the feeling of guilt of ...
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