Social Development Of Autistic Infants

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Social Development of Autistic Infants

Social Development of Autistic Infants


Autism is a developmental disorder characterized by impaired interactions reciprocal social and communication, as well as by the presence of activities restricted or repetitive. Autism appears before the age of three years. The etiology of autism is organic, although no pathological event has been identified as only or universally associated with the disorder. We can diagnose autism accurately from the age of two years, when social and communication handicaps are major. It was discovered that specialized treatment for autistic and begin early in life significantly improve cognitive functioning social and language. The prevalence estimates suggest that about 3-5 1 000 children are affected by autism spectrum disorder. These estimates are higher for family members in the first degree, the researchers reported that among brothers and sisters of children with autism, the recurrence rate of autism was between 2 and 8%. The Autism covers the full range of cognitive ability: more than half located in range of intellectual disability and a substantial proportion in the range average to above intelligence (Batki, 2000).


Many individuals with Autism usually appear physically normal but exhibit odd, repetitive such as rocking, flapping arms, banging objects or hitting themselves. One common obsessive behavior is to spend hours organizing toys or household objects in a certain way. If someone accidentally moves one of the objects, the person can become tremendously upset. These individuals need, and demand, absolute consistency in their environment. A slight change in any routine such as mealtimes, dressing, bathing, or driving routes, can be extremely disturbing. Some researchers believe that the need for order and sameness help individuals cope in a world of constant confusion and misunderstanding (Vincent & Van Hasselt, 2008).

Friends, parents and caregivers must help individuals create a safe environment for themselves, particularly for those individuals whose behavior is not easily controlled. People with Autism need several environmental and safety modifications in their homes such as locks on doors and cabinets; alarms outside the bedroom; safeguarding windows, electrical outlets and appliances; and using signs, cards or photos to show appropriate usage of household items such as toothbrushes, hairbrushes, or soap (Tony, 2000).

Living with an individual with Autism involves many problems and barriers. Communication is a major barrier, each individual with Autism is unique, and the way he or she communicates will differ from one another. The communication barrier can make it difficult for people with Autism to express them self or for other people to understand them, so just talking with a classmate can be very stressful and frustrating. The entire family of an individual with Autism suffers from different levels of stress. Parents are stressful about the behavior of a child with Autism because they are often unable to understand what their child needs, or wants (Baron, 1989).

Unfortunately, there is no typical management for Autism. Different viewpoints and practices are used by professionals to care for clients with Autism. Some of the familiar methods of management are biomedical and ...
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