Social Inequality

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Social Inequality

Social Inequality

Social Inequality

Inequality characterizes the uneven distribution of scarce public resources - money, power, education, class, name, and prestige - among the various strata, or layers of the population. The main meter of inequality is in the favor of the current liquidity values. This feature usually have money (in primitive societies, inequality is reflected in the number of sheep and cattle, shells, etc.). The essence of social inequality is unequal access to various categories of population to social benefits such as money, power and prestige. The essence of the economic disparities that minority populations are always owns most of the national wealth. In other words, the highest incomes receive the smallest portion of society, and the average and the lowest - the majority of the population (Bunch, and Johnson, 2002).

Social Inequality in terms of Money

If inequality characterizes society as a whole, poverty concerns only part of the population. Depending on how high the level of economic development, poverty encompasses a large or a small part of the population. As we saw in 1992 in the U.S. to the poor are 14% of the population, and in U.S.A - 80%. Poverty sociologists call the proportion of the population (usually expressed as a percentage) living in official poverty, or the threshold of poverty. To indicate the scale of poverty also used the terms "poverty", "poverty line" and "poverty rate". Social stratification in U.S.A Segment of the population % Of pop The level of income per capita per month, USD. Rich 3-5 3000 Wealthy 15 3000-1000 The middle (like the middle class) 20 1000-100 Poor 20 100-50 Poor 40 Below 50

Poverty threshold - the amount of money (usually expressed, for example, in dollars or rubles), officially established as a minimum income, through which an individual or family is able to purchase food, clothing and shelter. It is also called "poverty." In U.S.A, he received an additional name - a living wage. Subsistence minimum is a set of goods and a service (expressed in real prices of purchases) that allows a person to meet the minimum permissible, from a scientific point of view, needs. The poor from 50 to 70% of income spent on food, as a result they do not have money for medicine, utilities, repair of apartments, the acquisition of good furniture and clothes. They are often unable to pay the tuition fee of children in school or university (Social Justice: Seeking solutions to racial inequality, 2010). Poverty line varies in historical time. Previously, mankind lived a lot worse and the number of poor was higher. In ancient Greece, 90% of the population by the standards of that time lived in poverty. In England the Renaissance, about 60% of the population is considered poor. The incidence of poverty declined to 50%. The apt remark by J. Galbraith, a former poverty was the lot of most, but today - the minority. Traditionally, sociologists have isolated the absolute and relative ...
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