Social Phenomenon

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Social phenomenon

Social phenomenon

Social phenomenon


The phenomenon of crime is a constant feature of human society. Criminology is a field of study by 18 and 19 centuries, concerned with the nature, extent, causes and control of criminal behavior and the world of information, beliefs and attitudes present in a particular area a given time.


With different and competing perspectives of criminology, social explanations of crime perceive crime as an expression of social pathology developed as a product of the social structure itself, as opposed to explanations of individual pathology in psychological and biological characteristics. Social explanation further crimes differ in two distinct schools of consensus and conflict theories.


Functionalist or consensus theory share a structural explanation of the causes of Deviance, while integrationist theory or conflict focuses primarily on the various elements of power play, in terms of Deviance as a result of processes of interaction between labeling people. This article focuses on the consensus school of thought, looking in particular at Merton? Strain theory, and Durkheim? anomie theory.

As White and Haines elucidate, what we collectively believe is superior to a single individual and collective consciousness has the characteristic shape and regulate our behavior as an independent, strong external force. “Durham's next? Approach, Deviance and crime are considered a violation of the general consensus of values and social norms, resulting from the disruption of social or social tensions that occur within a society. He explained that social tensions are most evident at points of rapid change, like the French and the industrial revolution (and the rise of capitalism in its own context) due to disagreement and confusion about what the standard of roses and the values expected from the company during this time. As Halsey clarifies the dichotomy between theories? For Merton, anomie is a chronic condition inherent in the structure of ...
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