Social Psychology

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Social Psychology

Social Psychology


The study of individual behaviour and psychological structures and their process are the term as Social psychology. The result of these both influences on interpersonal relationships, the group function and other collective forms. In order words, social psychology is concern with the people thoughts, feeling that influenced by the presences of the others. The terms thoughts, feelings, and behaviours include all of the psychological variables that measurable in a human being. The statement that others may be imagined or implied suggests that we are prone to social influence even when no other people are present, such as when watching television, or following internalized cultural norms. Many Psychologists divide affect that is emotions from behavior, cognition that thought and subsequently study how their interactions. It been observed that frustration can be tolerate by those people who are in a pleasant mood, prefer durable rewards above immediate short, payoffs and see others in a more favourable illumination. A positive psychology which is also, a growing movement in psychology focuses on well-being and how it can be enhanced. The consideration of the social psychology of those questions which are similar to sociology focus on the individual as an actor such as the way individual perceive the situation to a certain extent answer to the group level that is poverty of family consistency.

Currently the social psychology can be understood through the variety of theoretical orientation and the use of methods. The use of the broad range of theoretical perspective and methods of research to study the mutual linkage between individual level and level of social variables. The focus of the social psychologists is more on the structures, responses occur through intrapsychic, and behaviour of the individual as a result of, or influence on social structures and processes. However, to understand the individual differences created by the trait theory and personal construct theory, the critically analysis will be determine how the person differ in these two theories.


Trait Theory

The most recognizable component of personality can be constructed by the trait theory. The trait theory is concern with the description of how individuals are like, in-short their behaviour. Trait theory habitually uses in daily life and in research as well. However, there not known so much about how it works and how it influences the individual behaviour. But psychology has determined that trait theory do influence the behaviour of individuals and gradually increase from childhood to adulthood (Fleeson, William, 2008). Trait theory play a major role in getting more information about personality, as it provides information regarding the behaviour of the individuals with the relative and with their families. This theory is the use as psychologist unable to establish diverse personality within the individuals and thus unable to relate with them. Trait theory agrees on the five issues of the individuals. Firstly, traits theory emphases on the description of the individual and style of the individuals those are thoughts and feelings. For instances, bold individuals way of speaking is strong and powerful rather than ...
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