Somali Piracy Existence

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The Somali Piracy Existence

The Somali Piracy Existence


About Somali pirates have heard everything. Someone with half an ear, someone thinks that it is fully or almost fully aware of the problem, but in reality, blatant truth almost no one knows. Subject Somali piracy is multifaceted, and one of the most amazing facets just lies in the fact that like, know everything, but this knowledge is false and is in complete contradiction with reality. The money being made on piracy is far superior to the money that the pirates are in the form of ransom. Interests of various forces, tied to piracy and piracy are explained, far surpass it in scope. The piracy exists in the coast of Somalia was a threat to shipping internationally from the civil war in that country began in the early 90's .


The causes of the Somali piracy

The State of Somalia has fallen into a state of permanent war of all against all in 1991, after the fall of the former Soviet puppet Siad Barre, caused by the fact that, for whatever tactical reasons, chose the USSR in the conflict between Somalia and Ethiopia, the last one. Since then, and now on Earth there is a very strange, unique country, large parts of which have no power, no order, no laws, no industry, no education and medicine, there is nothing but chaos and hopelessness. Perhaps, some institutions and organizations exploring Somalia as a testing ground, as the prototype of what could happen if law and order will collapse. But the study has most likely remotely, for now Somalia is considered the most dangerous place in the world .

Somali piracy has a strong history dating far back centuries, but modern Somali piracy arose a few years ago, and the year of his birth is safe to assume 2004 is the year when the Somali pirates were first to attack the court, not for plunder, but to their capture and subsequent redemption. Modern piracy is no different from its predecessors, the pirates from the times of Julius Caesar or romantic Pirates of the Caribbean. The main types of piracy:

- Assault with intent to rob the crew and, if possible, the load (the most common form of piracy in the past, and today, the attack lasts from several minutes up to a maximum of several hours);

- The seizure of the vessel or its cargo for, or the ...
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