Speech Disorder Within Inclusion

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Speech Disorder within inclusion

Speech Disorder within inclusion


Speech disorders and language are a relatively common condition in childhood, and that worries parents and health professionals. They have close to 5-8% prevalence in preschool and school 4%, and its greatest importance lies in the fact that alter the child's communication skills with parents and peers. In the school years, speech disorders and language may be associated with learning difficulties in literacy, a poor school performance, and secondarily to behavioral disorders and emotional sphere. In general, these disorders often have a chronic course, and without a diagnosis and treatment, the disease persists in 40 - 60% of cases.

Nature of the disability

Speech disorders refer to difficulties in the production of speech sounds or problems with voice quality. These can be characterized by an interruption in the flow or rhythm of speech, for example, stuttering or lack of fluency. Speech disorders may be problems with the formation of sounds, which are called joint disorders or phonological, or may include difficulties with the pitch, loudness, or voice quality. There may be a combination of several problems. People with speech disorders have trouble using some speech sounds, which could indicate a delay.

If mental retardation is delayed onset of speech. Children begin to speak in 3 - 4 years. Sometimes there is circumlocution morons and fast rate of speech. However, analysis of speech production shows that in these cases, the vocabulary is limited, it is replete with cases verbal cliches, words are often incorrectly used as a representation of the patient they are deprived of adequate maintenance. A speech disorder is an impairment in the ability to understand or use words in conjunction, verbal and non-verbally. Some characteristics of speech disorders include improper use of words and their meanings, inability to express ideas, inappropriate grammatical patterns, reduced vocabulary and inability to follow instructions. One of these features or a combination of these can occur in children who are affected by learning disabilities or language delays in language development. Children may hear or see a word but cannot understand its meaning and at the same time, may have difficulty when trying to communicate with others.

Usually begin in children under three years of life, being 3-4 times more common in male patients. They are characterized by impaired social interaction of the individual with compulsive behaviors and rituals, stereotyped and repetitive motor activity. These patients have language disorders, with an altered development of the backwater, and the presence of echolalia, misuse of pronouns, or atonic monotone. In 30% of autistic patients described the phenomenon of "autistic regression", characterized by loss of language skills acquired so far. This phenomenon occurs in two age periods: between the first and second year of life, and adolescence.

Common characteristics

The first characteristic of speech disorder is phonemic speech disorders, phonemic disorders are expressed in the defects of pronunciation of sounds. A child under the influence of certain causes of folded and secured a distorted pronunciation of individual sounds, which affects only the intelligibility ...
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