Sports Massage

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Sports massage is a set of massage effects, whose goal is to restore the athlete's body after the high physical stress, increase physical activity in this category of people. Feature of sports massage is an intense effect on the vessels supplying the all layers of muscle tissue, resulting in an increase in muscle strength.

The purpose of sports massage is to provide overall improvement of the athlete, increasing his physical abilities, decrease fatigue after loads, minimizing the likelihood of sports injury or recovering from them. In general, this method of application can be divided into several subgroups: training, preliminary, refreshing.

Issues in Sports Massage

Knowledge of Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology

Sports massage is a series of maneuvers conducted as preparation method for weaving, as for the treatment of post competition tissues and control tissues from each sport.

Sports massage aims to:

Optimize muscle performance

Prevent injuries

Find injury

Support in the treatment of injuries

Combat fatigue

Increase work capacity

This specific type of massage works by activating the fluid circulation, accelerating the disposal of waste, toxins and other waste materials, and increasing muscle oxygenation.

The moment you do the massage to the athlete is very important as it promotes concentration, introspection and emotion of the athlete for competition.

The athlete requires that your body is best to opt for the win in a sport, sports massage, at this point is very useful to achieve than the therapeutic effect, the contribution of trust and security that every athlete needs to win a test. But for this, the massage must be done by a professional in the science of Physical Therapy.

Prevention and Management of Injury

Prevention and management of injury are critical in the health care of the physically active individual. Simple prevention methods, such as designing protective equipment or altering game rules, protect participants from injury. Carefully designed emergency management procedures may prevent even serious injuries from having a catastrophic outcome. Much of the basis of these prevention and management measures comes from research in sports injury rates and injury types. From the view point of the athletic trainer, these sports related data help them to their job by allowing organizers to identify the kinds of health care needed at various practices and competitions. Such knowledge then creates a safer environment for play.

Pathologies Used To Prevent and Manage Injury


A few minutes of exercise can increase muscle temperature to 38 º C, causing the muscles more elastic, strong and resistant to injury. Active warming by the year prepares muscles for intensive work more effectively than passive warming with hot water bag, heat, ultrasound or infrared lamp.

Stretching does not prevent injury, but may improve performance, stretching the muscles so they can develop a greater effort. Stretching should be performed after heating or other exercise. To avoid direct injury, the athletes never make a stretch than they can sustain for 10 seconds (Michael 2010, pp. 116).

Cooling (progressive decrease up to halting the exercise) can prevent dizziness and syncope. In a person doing strenuous exercise is stopped abruptly, the blood ...
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