Stakeholders Relation

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Stakeholders Relation

Stakeholders Relation

1. Who are our stakeholders?

Internal stakeholders

The Shareholders of Pepsi

Management at Pepsi

External stakeholders


Suppliers of raw material

The government

Beverages Industry


Trade unions




Why Are They Key To Pepsi Cola Company?

As companies are also able to choose their stakeholders that a child can choose his parents, the best they can do is to list them. The location, size and nature of the activities that determine perceived stakeholder. Stakeholders (eg., Employees) will expect to be recognized as such if the impact of the company they are, for better or for worse, direct or immediate. Even people who do not seem to have a direct relationship with the company may consider themselves stakeholders, including employees' families and residents of communities where the company is located(Merriam, 2010). It may be that the company plans to involve stakeholders to better understand its impacts, to help the accuracy of its values, mission, strategy and commitments and their implementation, to facilitate regulatory approval process, to participate in the assessment and reporting, to prevent or resolve a crisis, or proactively improve relationships. The reason for involvement will determine the style of it and the expectations of stakeholders. All this is likely to change over time.

It is important to clearly define the role of each implication in the order of things. The role of stakeholders will he consultative or participatory? The company is ready to significantly change their plans based on what it learns? Asked so often to groups of stakeholders to contribute to consultations that stakeholders experienced are not willing to spend too much energy to process over which they have little influence.

Without commitment of resources, awareness of stakeholders and their importance will be a valuable asset in future business planning initiatives.

How Pepsi manages its Stakeholder?

Stakeholder Management is the process of communicating and working with stakeholders to meet their expectations and consider the "issues" as they occur. Good management of stakeholders is the key to ensuring the success of any company. To do this, once identified stakeholders should be managed in each project phase. Firstly it is important to involve them in the project scope, identifying possible solutions to the problem of representing the same organization. As the project progresses, it is important to develop a strategy and communication plan that identifies how, when and what to communicate to each stakeholder group. Part of this involves reporting the project, which will vary in content and level of detail for each group.

It is not very pleasant to listen to the views of stakeholders sometimes critical, but companies have the opportunity to learn about perceived problems and can be used as starting point for constructive action. There are many examples of companies that have done that and have gained a competitive advantage over other companies (Camuffo, 2008).

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