Statistical Analysis

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Statistical Analysis

Statistical Analysis

Answer 1

The purpose of the study is to know the understanding of the students about the statistics, for which two tests were conducted, one is pre course and post course with the total number of students were 102. It is found that the results of the pre course and post course varies, as the knowledge of the students were not good about the statistics as the mean marks were 34.63 with the standard deviation of 9.17 and standard error of 0.91. However, the knowledge of the students got increased after the course that is mean marks increased to 53.98 with the decrease in standard deviation to 8.53 and decrease in standard error to 0.94.

Moreover, the significance value is 0.001 with the correlation of 0.832 between the pre and post test marks. Therefore, it can be said that the statistics course served as the core factor to increase the knowledge of the students about the statistics course.


Pre course mean 34.63 marks (SD = 9.17, SE = 0.91; n = 102; 95 % CI = 32.85 - 36.41)

Post course mean 53.98 marks (SD = 8.53, SE = 0.84; n = 102; 95 % CI = 52.32 - 55.64)

T (101) = - 15.068, p < 0.001, r = .832, n = 102

Answer 2

The research shows the exam scores to understand relation between the English score and mathematics score of the students. The total number of students was 178, from the analysis of the data; it is found that the results of the English score shows that the mean of English score is 49.95 marks with the standard deviation of 3.99 and standard error 0.30. However, the mean of Mathematics score is 49.25 marks and the standard deviation is increased to 12.529 and standard error is also increase to 0.94 as compared to the English score.

In addition to this, the significance value of the data of English and Mathematics score is less than 0.001 with the correlation between the English and Mathematics score is 0.418. The correlation shows a statistical relationship between two or more random variables. At the same time changing the values of one or more of these quantities are accompanied by systematic changes in the values of the other. The mathematical measure of the correlation of two random variables is the correlation coefficient. In the event that a change in one of the random variable does not lead to a natural change in another random variable, but it leads to a change in the other statistical characteristics of the random variable, then such a relationship is not considered a correlation. Therefore, it can be said that the scores of English and Mathematics are correlated with the each other.


Mean English score 49.95 marks (SD = 3.99; SE = 0.30; n = 178; 95 % CI = 49.37 - 50.54)

Mean Mathematics score 49.25 marks (SD =12.529; SE = 0.94; n = 178; 95 % CI = 48.09 - 51.75)

r = 0.418; p < ...
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