
Read Complete Research Material




Question 1:

Describe how infants' fine motor skills change between 12 and 18 months of age.

For the study, non-experimental research design is most appropriate as it is important to note that in non-experimental research the independent variable is not manipulated and is therefore called active variable while the Ex Post Facto research the independent variable is not susceptible to manipulation and therefore of variable called attributive.

Describe the relationship between alcohol consumption and grade point average for college students.

For the study that is the relationship between alcohol consumption and grade point average for college students, the quasi-experimental research design is appropriate because through this research we can approach the results of an experimental investigation in situations that cannot be the absolute control and manipulation of variables.

Describe possible gender differences for the social interactions within a group of preschool children while they play in a city park.

For the study that is gender differences for the social interactions within a group of preschool children while they play in a city park will be based on the quasi-experimental research. The reason of this statement is that this research design is appropriate as through this research the researcher can approach the result of an experimental examination in situations that cannot be the in the control.

Describe the effectiveness of a new program for teaching reading to elementary school students.

For the study that is the effectiveness of a new program for teaching reading to elementary school students will be based on non-experimental research design as these researches are based on no causal relationships, there are strict relations between variables before and after the fact. Means waiting for something to happen to study always focused on the effect. No assumptions just look for the association relationship between the variables; occur when they occur that is prospective and retrospective.

Question 2:

Identify a stereotype that describes one group of college students and list one characteristic that presumably makes them different from other students.

A group of college students can be stereotype as the characteristics of students include that the group of students are good in their classes as they always get higher grades in the class as compared to other students.

Describe a research study that could be used to determine whether the stereotype is accurate. That is, describe a research study that would determine whether the characteristic you identified really is different for the stereotypic group.

The research study that is Racial Stereotypes Can Be Unconscious but Reversible is the study that determine whether the characteristic identified in the group of people is different for the racial group.

How would you classify your research study? Is it an experiment, quasi-experimental, or non-experimental?

The research study that is Racial Stereotypes Can Be Unconscious but Reversible will be quasi-experimental as there is no evidence that the results of investigation are cannot be in absolute control as the variables are manipulated.


What value for the missing mean would result in no main effect for factor A?

In no main effect for factor A, ...
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