Strategic Management Model

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Strategic Management Model

Strategic Management Model


The Strategic management process is used by all type of organizations whether they are for profit organization or not for profit organization. The government departments also make use of the strategic management process and have been utilizing it since long time. The central idea revolving around the last four weeks post explains the need for changes in the policy to incorporate newer trends and inclusion of public feedback, and the strategic management model. The discussion highlights the differences among the planning in public sector, the planning in non-profit sector and has compared it with strategic planning in for-profit organizations. The text besides explaining the strategic planning process, explains the necessary managerial skills required in a strategic manager. The discussion also explains the strategic management model and its six steps in detail. The need for environmental analysis is also emphasized and the requirements of the process are explained. We will be looking the different steps of the strategic planning as stated above and will highlight upon the need and expectation of each of the processes. Environmental analysis, in the strategic management process, is of great importance as it not makes a company to familiarize itself with the opportunities and threats present in the external environment, but it also uncovers the internal strengths and weakness of the organization. The company can then work to avoid the threats present in external environment and reduce the weakness in the internal environment.


The discussion explains about the differences in the planning process of public policies and departments, the non-profit public organizations and with comparison of for-profit private organizations.

Major Themes Found in the Posts

The major themes found in the posts are as follows:

Strategic Planning Process

Differences in Public Sector Planning

Differences in Strategic Direction of Non-profit sector

Strategic Management

Major Themes in All posts

The major themes in all the posts discuss the management theories and practices which have been in public sector, not for profit and for profit sectors.

Analysis of Themes

Strategic Planning Process

The strategic planning model provides a framework to the strategic managers and enables them to decide a strategic direction of the company, carryout environmental analysis, develop long term SMART objectives, devising strategies, implementing strategies, and continuous evaluation and adjustment of the whole process.

Figure 1: Strategic Planning Process (Bryson, 2006)

Differences in Public Sector Planning

If we condense the strategic planning process, we can review the major difference in the assessment stage of public sector. The difference is to analyze the law which created the organization for any changes and to see if the organization responsible for implementing that law has made the required changes for its implementation. The laws should also include specific results or outcomes required from the law. The public sector also has the responsibility to obtain public feedback in its planning process. The measurement and tracking of public sector must incorporate transparency and accountability.

Differences in Strategic Direction of Non-profit sector

The non-profit organizations do carryout execution of public policy but are established by private individuals and their mission and vision are developed ...
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