Suicidal Risk

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Suicidal Risk

Analysis of care, assessment and management of a patient/client considered being 'at risk' of suicide

Depression in some cases, emergency treatment is required and there is a risk of suicide. In this case, the cooperation of families and fire departments, but we may need to address the need for better coordination with the police. If you require hospitalization even though consent is not obtained, it will be admitted to medical protection in this case, parental consent is required. Parents, it is often a spouse; the family may not be a mayor. 

Suicidal ideation (may want to commit suicide) extremely pessimistic about the future and makes you more likely to think of death from self-accusation and guilt, suicide attempt (suicide to run) is leading the case. If the short term, but the family can watch and, if subsequent hospitalization is also considered. 

Most eating, when the weakness seen For depressed mood and fatigue, decreased appetite too, if you take in enough water that may be required urgent treatment. Moreover, the fact stupor, despite the outside world to know (in no impairment of consciousness), even when most do not respond to stimuli from the environment may be difficult to ingestion. In this case, requires hospital treatment, including physical control. 

Frustration (feeling of irritation) when severe From frustration due to depression, even after he no longer being even unable to control their own actions may lead to violent behavior and disruptive behavior. In this case, the state is required hospitalization. 

Best part when not in an ambulatory setting Treatment of depression, but little is done in the outpatient treatment, the symptoms did not improve, you need to review the diagnosis and treatment, and hospitalization is required. 

If you cannot rest at home and slowly Slowly in the treatment of depression, and it is assumed that the rest. However, if there is such an environment at home for various reasons, hospitalization is required in order to concentrate on treatment.

The purpose of this work is the one to determine the suicide of Risk Factors of Hospitalized Patients in Psychiatric Treatment, diurnal hospitalization, ambulatory with a month Until Treatment and Subsequent to the discharge. 96% of the Patients Who Entered due to an Attempt of suicide, did not commit suicide During The Treatment Finalized rules after this one. When doing the comparison with the control group, the married was Stated That Were Different Statistically Significant in form, in the Cases That Had A Small Time of hospitalization, ask to be discharged from the hospital Against indication of the doctor, had a great suicidal psychopathologic Appreciation, Were more Cases of suicides in the family, more Were arranged to Communicate Their intentions to commit suicide, show to Smaller degree of improvement of state and Their psychopathologic Had a Significant Amount of delirious ideas.

In the UK ,suicides accounts for 1% of all deaths .It is well known that there is a 30-40 times increased risk of death from suicide in individuals who have previously attempted suicide compared with the general population (Dag et 2008) But women actually commit suicide about one-fourth as often as ...
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