Superstition And Witchcraft In 16th Century England

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Superstition and Witchcraft in 16th Century England


In the first and second centuries, the term superstition gradually came to be associated with dangerous foreign religions rather than peasant religions (Charles, 84). The retention of pagan beliefs by Christians was later regarded as a form of superstition in the 16th century England. In medieval and early modern Europe belief in magic and witchcraft was almost universal (Hopkins, 2). The "supernatural" element of superstition and witchcraft cases made them popular topics for gossip and publishing.

History of Superstition in 16th Century

Superstition is the irrational fear of the unknown allied to a false idea of the causes of events (Charles, 88). The Latin term superstition may have originally meant prophetic ability or state of religious exaltation; it came to mean superstitious and irrational awe or credulity, most particularly when applied to foreign or non-orthodox religious practices, such as Druidism and Judaism, or even the popular religion of the countryside (Parish, 39). It could be used in a contemptuous way.

Superstition sprang from the same origin as religion, in a belief in supernatural forces that control the lives of people. Although the entire England religion was based on superstition, it was not (in the England period) regarded as superstitious in the modern sense (Parish, 94). Superstitions and associated charms and rituals are often very ancient and extremely long-lived, since many superstitions current today are attested in English literature, such as saying "good health" when someone sneezes (Parish, 116).

Some of the famous superstition in England of 16th century includes breaking of a mirror that was associated with the bad luck of seven years because they were considered to be tools of the gods (Charles, 226). Another superstition include that bread would not rise if there was a corpse (dead body) in the vicinity. Another notable superstition of the 16th ...
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