Support For Children And Young People To Achieve Their Learning Potential

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Support for Children and Young People to Achieve Their Learning Potential

Support for Children and Young People to Achieve Their Learning Potential


Learning disability is a general delay in the learning ability of a child. It is also known as the intellectual disability. A child with the learning disability faces difficulty in learning as compare to other students of their age. In general learning disabilities, children have difficulty of learning in some areas but they are good in other areas (Lodge,, 2011 pp.29-37). They also face difficulty in communication and understanding. It is usually due to genetic factors, brain injury or infection. These children and young people are slow learners but they can improve with care and teaching strategies. Speech problems can also create frustration as these children cannot convey their messages and feelings properly to others it results in their anger and hatred for themselves. Major difference between general learning disability and specific learning disability is that in general learning disability there are chances of progress and children have problem in only some of the learning fields of learning, writing or speaking. It might be the problem with poor handwriting, spelling, or organizational skills. Problem with understanding and construction of complex sentences and sustaining attention can be the major problems in general learning disability.

Thesis Statement

Children and young people with Learning disability need specific requirements and teacher's attention.


Child and Young Person's Development Growth and development of every child depends on their unique physical, cognitive, emotional and social changes. It is a proper pattern of undergoing developmental stages from birth to adolescence and then adulthood. The period of these developmental changes depend on each individuals respond to these changes. Generally children develop quickly from their birth to nineteen years of age. Their behaviour and learning abilities reflect their development. If a child is not responding in a proper way like the other children of his age there is a need for urgent attention. There is need to concern about their physical performance as well as communication and social activities. Age deals with the individual's physical, cognitive, communicative, behavioural, ethical, moral and social growth and interaction with the society.

Jean Piaget classified the cognitive development of children in four stages. First is the Sensory motor stage from birth to two years which is due to the certain stimuli and reflexes. According to him the responses of baby after birth are due to internal reflexes. Later after two years learning stage of child begins in which a child learns vocabulary and various other developments in thought processes also occur. After seven years their thought begins to develop like adults and then towards the logical thought. In the adolescence stage their thoughts become more intellectual and organized which also reflected through their behaviour and social interaction. Piaget's work is very helpful in these circumstances that it not only provide complete guidance towards the various approaches of growth but also their growth in cognitive development. It also provides the reasons and factors behind it that ...
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