Surviving College

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Surviving College

Surviving College


Achieving success in college is something every college student is worried about. Success is a choice and in order for someone to get what they want they need to know what they want. As J. Krishanamurti once said, "In oneself lies the whole world, and if you know how to look and learn, then the door is there and the key is in your hand. Nobody on earth can give you either that key or the door to open, except yourself." Now, believe it or not, it often takes someone the same amount of energy to get what is wanted out of school than to get what is not wanted. One way for someone to become a better student is just to grit their teeth and try harder but most students do not want to do that ( Since most students would rather party then study, those students need to know how to schedule their time, take effective notes, and practice memorization techniques in order to be successful. Even if a student is on the right track they can get run over if they just sit there. Every student can achieve success in college if they just put their mind to it.


In any event, time is a nonrenewable source and the words time management can call forth images of restriction and control. Those words do not have to call forth those images if someone knows how to schedule their time properly. Now, most students think that they do not have enough time for everything they want to do but they do have the time; all it takes is learning a few good ways to manage time. One very effective way for scheduling time is to write it down. When doing so, schedule fixed blocks of time first; for instance, schedule work and school first because these time periods are usually determined in advance. Also, schedule essential daily activities, such as eating, sleeping and showering next but be realistic about how much time is needed for these activities. Additionally, do not forget to schedule time for errands such as going grocery shopping, paying bills, and doing laundry. These are all little tasks that can easily be overlooked when scheduling time and can easily destroy a tight schedule by making someone feel rushed to get them done (Kisslinger 2002). Furthermore, in higher education, it is standard to allow at least two hours of study time for every one hour spent in class; this does not mean to schedule marathon study sessions. When possible, schedule shorter sessions because three three-hour sessions are far more productive then, let's say, one nine-hour study session. In other words, in a nine-hour study session the actual time spent studying may be only about five to six hours, whereas three three-hour sessions will yield much more productive time, spending almost all of the time studying. Finally, a student should schedule time for fun because having fun is ...
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