Sustainability Of Water Bodies In Landscape (Natural And Man-Made Water Bodies)

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Sustainability of Water Bodies in Landscape (Natural and Man-Made Water Bodies)

Table of Contents


Water Issues2

Agricultural Crises3

Environment Crises4

Increased Conflicts4

Availability of Water4


Dimensions of Landscape6

Saving Water Resources7

Resolving conflict7


Sustainable Landscape8

Coastal Regions9

Rivers and Streams9

Man-made Water Bodies10



Types of Water Bodies11

Tigris and Euphrates Rivers11



Main Problem and Risk13

Possible Solutions to Sustain the Two Rivers14




Sustainability of Water Bodies in Landscape (Natural and Man-Made Water Bodies)


Water plays a very crucial role in the civilization of man and in the global environment. It helps to control the flux of minerals, energy, and nutrients and provides humans with key goods and services as well as water for drinking. Water ecosystems play an important role in flood control and carbon sequestration. It is also a source of food and enjoyment. Out of all the water bodies present on earth, fresh-water bodies are the most important as they provide everything from water for drinking to cleaning, watering lawns, and swimming. A major issue plaguing the globe these days is the reduction of freshwater bodies. These bodies now make up a tiny portion of the water available on earth. Due to human activity, the water frozen in glaciers is melting and mixing with sea water. This is reducing the quantity of fresh water available on Earth. (Scapini & Ciampi, 2010).

Out of all the water on earth, only 3% of it is fresh, and most of it is frozen in glaciers, ice, and aquifers. The entire population of the world depends on a small portion of this 3% which is available or consumption. Therefore, the importance of sustaining this small amount of fresh water is of utmost importance. Since water is so important, almost every civilization is located on the banks of rivers or on sea shores. Nowadays, everyone depends on streams and rivers for their needs as well as for recreation, energy, and irrigation (Langston et al, 2006). Apart from these water bodies, wetlands play an important role of sustaining the ecology and acting as a buffer during floods. They also purify water before it is released into the sea.

Another major importance of water is that it serves as a source of food. Water covers around 70% of the earth's surface and thus, the amount of food in it is huge. Sadly, civilization and global warming have changed the ecosystem of rivers and seas. It is now much more difficult to get a good catch of fish than it was several years ago. Therefore, this source of food needs to be sustained as it provides livelihood and food to millions (Cech, 2010).

Water Issues

Water is important for several reasons. Whenever there is a shortage, life is badly affected. All of our food is directly linked to water. Therefore, any issue with the supply of water can badly affect the lives of several people. Agriculture and industries consume of the water available for consumption. It is also important to navigation and tourism. The amount of water used in agriculture and industries is enormous. It is not possible for these two sectors to survive without an adequate supply of ...
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