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The Real tapeworms (Eucestoda) are parasitically living worms in the intestine of vertebrates, the greatest biodiversity is found in fish. They are distributed all over the world before. They are named after their final host. An exception is the tapeworm of man, bearing the name of the intermediate host. The beef tapeworm Moniezia as an intermediate host has a horn mite; the beef tapeworm Taenia (tapeworm of people here) has an intermediate host, the cow.

Identification of a scolex in a cystic lesion is the only pathognomonic radiographic finding. Scolices appear as rounded or elongated bright nodules 2 to 4 mm in diameter within the cyst cavity. The scolex is usually not identifiable in calcified lesions, but occasionally may visible on MRI. Other radiographic findings highly suggestive of neurocysticercosis include cystic lesions, enhancing lesions and parenchymal brain calcifications. Radiographic findings compatible with neurocysticercosis include hydrocephalus, leptomeningeal enhancement, and myelograms with contrast filling defects. CT scanning is less expensive than MRI, is excellent for detecting calcifications, and in most cases is sufficient to make the diagnosis. MRI is useful for detecting relatively small lesions as well as intraventricular and brainstem lesions. It is also helpful for evaluating degenerative changes, edema around calcific lesions, and for visualizing scolices within calcified lesions.

If tapeworms are parasites that feed on animal and human hosts. Since tapeworms have no gut, they take their food on their outer shell. A tapeworm has a head and the rest of the body is divided into links strung together. Hooks, suckers and suckers are at the head. The size of a tapeworm varies between two millimeters and 20 millimeters. Not all tapeworms are medically relevant to humans. In particular, the pork tapeworm, the fish tapeworm and the beef tapeworm, the fox tapeworm can also play a role. Man is it perceived by the tapeworm as an intermediate or final host.

As a rule, tapeworm larvae from eating raw meat or undercooked fish are taken. Through a grease or dirt infection fertilized eggs are transferred. In the case of pork or beef tapeworm, man is the only definitive host in question. A recorded by raw meat larva develops in the human gut to the adult tapeworm. The infection is, unfortunately, hardly noticeable, it occurs without obvious symptoms. In several cases there any signs that is similar to a stomach or intestinal disease. Anal itching, loss of appetite or nausea may also occur. Weight loss, abdominal pain or general weakness is as much the observable characteristics.

During a treatment, it is then above all about the eggs and larvae can be killed in the adult body. It will be administered to tablets containing the active ingredient. A unique therapy is however not sufficient. In certain intervals check-ups are made to the chair. Based on these results can be assessed if further treatment is necessary. Tapeworms develop normally in two stages. Tapeworm eggs have to be taken only by a so-called intermediate host, the eggs hatch in the developed and a stage of the worm, known as Finn. This fin move up in the body of the intermediate host, not in the ...
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